Deal Execution and Due Diligence

Our deal execution and due diligence service offering ensures healthy returns from an asset over the investment period.

Due diligence of companies for investments poses its own challenges. There are a host of questions that need ‘insights’ driven reliable answers. Is the customer base claimed by the company actually paying customers? Do founders carry themselves well when investors are not around? Are corporate governance practices strong enough? What is the direction of the market in which these companies operate? Is there any business-critical litigation pending? .and a host of multiple other questions that may make or break an investment. This job would have been easier, had all the reported information been correct, but any experienced investor knows that is far from the truth. Magistral Consulting provides cost-effective, high quality, transparent, objective, independent, fact-based due diligence done using its set of proprietary primary and secondary research tools. You need to see this before you commit millions into the next target!!

Our service offerings are:

Industry Research

Keeping in mind the target for acquisition, we analyze industry for headwinds and tailwinds, for short and medium term stability and returns.

Due Diligence

Detailed company profile using Primary and Secondary Research to identify any risks involved

Competitive Intelligence

Identifying competition and entry barriers for a given target company

Due Diligence Questionnaire

Preparing DDQs, filling and analyzing information with targets and investors

Investment Memorandums

Fact based Investment Memorandums, for apprising investors of all possible upsides and downsides of the investment

Primary Research

Explorative interviews with all the stakeholders at Target Company like Management, Employees, Ex-employees, Vendors, and Investors to find out any red flags

Primary Research

Explorative interviews with all the stakeholders at Target Company like Management, Employees, Ex-employees, Vendors, and Investors to find out any red flags

Valuation Analysis

Finding out the fair market valuation of the company using analysis like comps, precedent transaction analysis and LBO

Typical outcomes of our Deal Execution and Due Diligence services

  • Thorough due diligence with an independent point of view on investments
  • Improvement in IRR
  • Reduction on operational costs