Process Offshoring

Offshoring for both capability and capacity can provide Investment Managers with leverage that could change into a competitive advantage. If an offshoring partner has experience and expertise in the domain, offshoring, apart from being a tool of cost optimization, also becomes a mode to improve the current operational practices of the firm. This is all the more vital for small and medium-sized firms

Here is what Magistral offers

Knowledge Transfer

Experience with multiple KTs to ask the right questions to quickly understand the processes and become a vital element of the value chain


Converting the “transferred knowledge” into Standard Operating Procedure documents, to be signed off by the client before the formal kick-off

KPIs and KRAs

Continuously tracking the KPIs and KRAs to meet the targets. Defining KPIs/KRAs if they don’t exist for a process


Pre-decided Service Level Agreements for consistent quality. Billing rates are tied to SLAs.


Governance comprising MIS, daily/weekly reports, and governance calls across management levels

Time Zone Support

Support across the time zones for all countries across the globe


Access to superior talent as the preferred employer of choice for the best candidates

Stability and Attrition

Less than 5% annual attrition, best in the industry, for the least disruption to the process continuity. Staffing models and SOPs ensure stability