Corporates and Portfolio Companies

Business Research for portfolio companies is required to scale
up the acquired company whether its a start-up or a bigger private or a public company.
Corporates in general and Portfolio Companies in particular face tremendous pressure to
reduce costs and improve toplines. If an asset is successful in doing so, it is rewarded
handsomely by stock markets and investors. This provides the opportunity to the early-stage
investors to exit the asset at significantly higher valuations, which is operating at higher
efficiency and is giving superlative returns to all stakeholders. Magistral helps you solve
this puzzle of reduced costs and improved growth rates

Who we serve

Publicly Listed Companies, Private Companies, Start-ups, Portfolio Companies, Entrepreneurs,
Strategy and Management Consultants

Problems We Solve through Business Research for Portfolio Companies

  • M&A target sourcing and profiling
  • Outsourced CFO Services
  • Partnerships
  • Fund-raising strategy
  • Exit Strategy
  • Valuations
  • CRM Management
  • Marketing Lists
  • Entry Strategy
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media Management and Content Marketing
  • Growth Strategy
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Data Analytics
  • KPI Development and Tracking
  • Budget Preparation
  • Forecasting
  • Spend Analysis
  • Vendor Identification and Management
  • Spend Base Reduction
  • Category Strategy and Excellence
  • Procurement Strategy