Tag Archives: supply chain outsourcing services


New digital tools and platforms continue to rewrite the industry regulations as consumer behavior changes. New sources of innovation and competitive advantage are necessary. Reassessing your supply chain is necessary in order to do that. You may prepare your supply chain strategy for telecom and media for today’s and tomorrow’s issues with the aid of supply chain management in the telecommunications industry. Supply chain management offers complete support for the supply chains you employ to provide tangible goods like telephones.

The telecom industry’s severe disruption of the labor and equipment supply chains makes it more challenging to service the growing demand. Lengthened lead times to consumers brought on by problems in the supply chain in once heavily relied-upon manufacturing locations (like China) have a detrimental effect on serviceability and, consequently, revenue.

Efficiency and effectiveness can be used to gauge the functioning of a supply chain. The first is a cost containment indicator, which includes things like warehousing costs, costs associated with inbound and outbound activities, and rising asset turnover. The second reliability indication is order fulfillment, safety stock turnover, and inventory turns. The performance of the supply chain strategy for telecom and media is crucial for a firm to compete in the global market.

The Telecom & Media Industry’s Biggest Challenges

Following are the challenges of telecom and media industries:

Telecom & Media Industry's Biggest Challenges

Telecom & Media Industry’s Biggest Challenges

Data and Communications Silos.

Data often resides in silos for telecoms firms. Cross-team collaboration is time-consuming due to data being spread across systems for transportation management, customer support, and procurement internally. Externally, telecom businesses frequently correspond manually with suppliers and subcontractors. These data silos cause teams to spend more time manually communicating internally and externally and searching for information across numerous platforms, which slows down the supply chain process. Improving internal data exchange and automating external connections are necessary for greater efficiency.

Improving physical product production and supply chain distribution.

Cell phones and tablets are examples of physical goods that need the standard retail supply chain, which entails planning, sourcing materials, production, delivery, and distribution to both stores and end users’ homes. There are numerous opportunities for improvement throughout the entire process. The production of the physical products and the supply chain for the distribution can be assessed to improve and enhance the sector.

Tracking and managing outages effectively.

You must increase service uptime if you want to keep clients pleased. This entails identifying outages as soon as they occur, tracking out the causes, and sending out maintenance teams or professionals to restore networks to service.

You may improve customer service by designing effective processes and automating as much of the procedure as you can. For instance, the relevant application may open a case in case management, schedule, and dispatch the closest technicians to the area to investigate if there is an outage in a certain place. Bonus points if there is a mobile application that enables technicians to snap images, track the progress of their job, and access knowledge base articles to resolve problems more rapidly.

Numerous resources are needed for network upgrades.

Telecom companies have made large investments in the creation of 5G networks. This massive undertaking requires a great deal of organization, planning, and labor in addition to a wide range of materials, including wires, chips, and physical building materials for new towers. Additionally, as a result of COVID-19, more employees set up home offices, necessitating network upgrades in residential areas that took more time and money to complete. Telecommunications firms’ supply chains must be strong and efficient in order for them to see a return on their investments.

Magistral’s Solutions on Supply chain for telecom and media

Magistral Consulting offers a range of value-added services for the Supply chain strategy for telecom and media industry. Magistral Consulting provides a number of services related to supply chain for the media and telecommunications sector, including:

Key Aspects of Supply Chain in Telecom Industry

Key Aspects of Supply Chain in Telecom Industry

Category Intelligence

Demand and Supply Market Analysis:

When making daily decisions, both people and small businesses can more accurately assess market circumstances by analyzing economic principles like supply and demand. The demand curve depicts how much of a commodity or service a consumer will demand at various price points. The market demand curve is the total of all demand curves for a particular commodity or service. Examples of demand and supply analyses cover a number of essential ideas. The quantity of an item or service that will be sold at different price points over a certain length of time is represented by the supply curve in comparison. When examining the supply curve, the relationship between price and quantity delivered is straightforward. The telecom sector is changing quickly as a result of technological advancements and lightning-fast innovation. Additionally, it is a sector whose rules are always changing, offering Communications Service Providers (CSPs) enormous chances for expansion. This future of telecom is being shaped by five primary forces: Value-added Managed Services, 5G, NFV/SDN, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, Ecosystem Growing Controlled Services. The vulnerabilities and strengths of an industry can be determined using Porter’s Five Forces, a model that identifies and examines five competitive forces that affect every industry. In order to develop company strategy, the structure of an industry is typically identified using the Five Forces analysis.

Pricing Movements and Forecasts:

Finding out what customers are willing to pay for a good or service is the goal of the research technique known as pricing research. Pricing research seeks to establish the best price for new products as well as gauge how price changes affect demand for any offer. When a buyer needs more expensive or complex solutions, they will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to potential suppliers. The intent is to solicit business proposals from various suppliers in order to ensure competition, learn more about each supplier’s capabilities and solutions, and gather important market intelligence.

Major Players and Profiles:

A profile will provide you with the fundamental details you require about the company and its operations, including a business overview and essential facts, details on the structure and strategy, information on the leading rivals, significant goods and services, prospects, etc. You can use a SWOT analysis to highlight the company’s advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats as a starting point for future research on the business and/or its rivals.

Negotiation Strategy:

Without considering the precise cost and profit calculations the vendor used to determine the price, pricing analysis is the process of determining if the asking price for a good or service is fair and acceptable. The term “competitive intelligence” refers to the capacity to compile, examine, and apply data on clients, consumers, and other market elements that support a company’s competitive edge.

Custom Intelligence:

Indirect sourcing deals with the provision of sporadic commodities, while direct sourcing concentrates on securing the key supplies that are processed and supplied to your clients.

Impact Assessments:

Assessment for the client over Geo-political events and natural disasters to understand and forecast the impact on the category.

Category Dashboards:

Supply chain dashboards provide supply chain experts with a greater understanding of every component of their supply chain, enabling them to recognize potential problems early and take appropriate action. They also offer tools for monitoring the advancement of different supply chain projects in comparison to predetermined KPIs.

Operations Support:

Outsourcing of processes:

Outsourcing which includes planning, control and reporting processes outsourcing for the client.

Scheduling Production:

In depth effective scheduling of men, material and machine around production as per requirement and goals.

Reports on Production:

Generation of reports on production on basis of shift-wise, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Procurement and Supply Chain.

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to  prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com


Competitive Intelligence is the process of gathering, evaluating, and utilizing data about rivals or customers to gain a competitive edge. It aids in understanding the competitive environment, problems, and opportunities and appropriately utilizing data to generate successful plans. It is the capacity to acquire, evaluate, and use information gathered about rivals, consumers, and other market aspects that contribute to a company’s strategic advantage. Competitive intelligence is significant because it assists firms in understanding their competitive environment, as well as the possibilities and problems that it brings. Businesses examine data to develop effective and efficient business operations.

Business rivalry is rising, and change is happening more quicker than ever before. According to a study, 63 % of firms face disruption, and 44 % are highly vulnerable. A company uses competitive intelligence successfully when it cultivates a thorough enough image of the market to predict and respond to difficulties and issues before materialize. It identifies threats and opportunities before they become evident, allowing it to make effective decisions and improve organizational performance. It aims to prevent businesses from being taken by competitors.

Competitive Intelligence enables market leaders to see beyond the horizon and build their company strategy on data-backed market projections. This intelligence might include everything and everything about your competitive landscape – market, goods, supply chain, and so on. Competitive intelligence is the ongoing monitoring of the dynamics that influence your capacity to create and sustain a competitive advantage. To obtain a competitive edge, all teams in your organization require particular and actionable intelligence related to their job function.

Importance of Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence allows you to comprehend your competitors’ motivations and behavior. Understanding their mindset and goals helps you impact your product development, pricing, and brand positioning. The foundation of your organization’s strategy is competitive intelligence.

It lets businesses collect and evaluate data on their industry, environment, competitors, and competitive products or services. A successful business cannot be built on estimates and assumptions, so one must Identify and analyze industry trends to make future moves; gain knowledge and insights into expectations, trends, and technologies; analyze strengths and weaknesses; allocate capital more effectively; improve ROI; accelerate the product release process; forecast competitor moves; make sound business decisions.

The use of competitive intelligence in business has nearly been universally acknowledged. The use of this tool is now essential. However, the need for the implementation of comprehensive (complex) competitive intelligence is emerging because of the most significant proven benefits to the enterprise, such as enhanced information quality, effective decision-making- making, systematic improvement of work processes, improved organizational efficiency, reduced costs, improved data dissemination, time efficiency, and faster recognition of opportunities and threats.

One of the long-term advantages of a competitive intelligence program is comprehensive awareness of the external business environment or landscape, allowing businesses to plan effectively and flawlessly, enhancing their business lifetime.

Types of Competitive Intelligence

There are two essential types of competitive intelligence, i.e., strategic and tactical intelligence.

Strategic Intelligence

Strategic intelligence focuses on longer-term concerns, such as the enterprise’s significant risks and opportunities. Strategic intelligence is a fantastic source of competitive advantage since it may improve decision-making because it is built on information. The importance of strategic intelligence is demonstrated in the capacity of organizational management to preserve reputation even in the face of problems that need essential judgments.

Tactical Intelligence

Tactical intelligence is more focused on the short term and aims to give insight into concerns such as gaining market share or generating income. Tactical intelligence is concerned with providing tactical assistance to operations. The task is carried out by specialized units acting in observation capacities to identify, observe, and gather data that will subsequently be supplied to command elements for distribution to command elements and units.

Step to conduct competitive Intelligence.

Following are the steps to conduct competitive intelligence

Steps to Conduct Competitive Intelligence

Steps to Conduct Competitive Intelligence

Determine your direct and indirect competitors:

First and foremost, you must be familiar with your competitors. Identify at least your top five direct competitors if you have a lot of them. Determine your indirect (companies in the same industry that do not compete with you for customers), aspirational (companies in the same sector which motivate your business), and perceived competitors. Understanding your competition entails being aware of your competitive environment.

Select the primary focus areas:

Once your competitors have been identified, you must decide which areas you want to focus on for data collecting. You must collect all the information available online and from your front-line teams. To absorb information more efficiently, it is worthwhile to reduce the search circle.

Collect all the essential information:

You must investigate your rivals’ websites, goods, social media platforms, and content throughout this process. You can gather the data from the source of competitive intelligence, i.e., syndicated search reports, product reviews, change in positioning, marketing test, and pricing update.

Perform a competitive analysis:

Your manager will have broken down the information and extracted the significant patterns and most significant facts. Following that, the material is structured correctly to be communicated to all teams. You must develop profiles for your rivals and continue to monitor their modifications, such as changes in products or services and customer reviews.

Share your results:

Share your results with stakeholders to enhance the strategies. You may accomplish this by holding a meeting, sending emails, or utilizing an internal chat. Store data on a dependable platform so that your staff can access it.

Use the knowledge to benefit the firm:

Make your data actionable for each team in your organization. Your marketing team may use it to launch new marketing campaigns and your sales team to enhance scripts and sales processes, and it may also be helpful to all other departments.

Why partner with a competitive intelligence firm

A consulting firm aims to undertake pertinent research and analysis to enable business decision-makers and executives to enhance their actions and policies based on real-world data. Competitive intelligence (CI) services promote corporate expansion and organizational change. Because every business has different objectives and goals, firms tailor services and solutions to match those demands.

Why Partner with Competitive Intelligence Firm

Why Partner with Competitive Intelligence Firm

Data gathered through the research process:

Provides actionable insights; many professionals may be unsure how to apply the data collected. A competitive intelligence service can comprehensively analyze this data, allowing you to make educated business decisions.

Quantitative Analysis:

It includes the comprehensive step that is data processing in which the data cleaning, mining, and the data classification, then do the data analysis with a different tool, and last, it tracks and analyses the company’s performance.

Competitive organizational strategy:

With the appropriate competitive organizational system, one can turn their ambitions into concrete outcomes. Magistral competitive intelligence services consider several elements such as structure, organization, culture, cooperation, incentive, evaluation, systems, and automation to decide the best course of action for your company.

Competitive Research and Assessments:

Many organizations lack the resources to do industry, organizational, and competitor research and analysis. At magistral consulting, our customized analytics, evaluations, and machine learning technologies can assist you in gaining a strategic competitive edge.


The more you know and understand the external market and your rivals, the better your judgments. You’ll learn more about the process as your competitive intelligence plan matures, and as you acquire confidence in your ability to use the information intelligently, your firm will flourish. Competitive intelligence gives several valuable inputs to the decision-making process, which is critical to corporate success. Utilizing these inputs strategically and thoughtfully will increase your business performance and give you the competitive edge required.

About Magistral consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Procurement and Supply Chain.

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to  prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com