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The United States Bankruptcy Code, through Chapter 11, also known as the ‘reorganization chapter’ offers the much-needed relief required by companies facing financial crises. This is a legal procedure that gives a company the right to rearrange its debts, usually in order to emerge stronger. A Chapter 11 case properly requires adequate research and documentation. This guide explains the fundamental documents that any Chapter 11 filing needs.


Understanding the Filing Requirements

Chapter 11 cases can be described as being either individual or non-individual-or businesses and other entities-each having their own special documentation requirements.

Chapter 11 Individual Filings


The petition begins the bankruptcy case, and the filing identifies the debtor(s) as an individual or a married couple. Also included is the Chapter number, in this case Chapter 11; the filing district; and,

Schedules: attach with the petition to provide a detailed financial representation of the assets and liabilities of the debtor. It also includes

– Schedule A: Lists real estate owned by the debtor (106A/B   Schedule A/B: Property)

– Schedule B: Lists personal property owned by the debtor

– Schedule C: Details exempt property (106C   Schedule C: The Property You Claim as Exempt)

– Schedule D: Identifies secured creditors (106D   Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property)

– Schedule E: Lists unsecured Priority claims (106E/F   Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims)

– Schedule F: Lists unsecured nonpriority creditors

– Schedule G: Executory contracts and unexpired leases (106G   Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases)

– Schedule H: Codebtors (106H   Schedule H: Codebtors)

– Schedule I: Current Income of Individual Debtor(s) (106I   Schedule I: Your Income)

– Schedule J: Current Expenditures of Individual Debtor(s) (106J   Schedule J: Your Expenses)

Statement of Affairs

A statement showing the debtor’s financial condition, including sources of income, recent transactions, and suits and executions.

Tax Returns

Attach copies of federal income tax returns for the last 2-4 years.

Certificate of Credit Counseling

Certificate showing completion of the required credit counseling course taken within the last 180 days.

Debt Repayment Plan

A plan with full details regarding the debtor’s intention of paying creditors, in case the debtor decides to retain a part or all the property.

Chapter 11 Non-Individual Filings


To start the case by businesses or other non-individual entities.


Just like in an individual filing, but revised for business contexts, including lists of business property, equipment, and inventory.

Statement of Affairs

A detailed statement of the business’s financial affairs including income, transactions, and pending litigation.

Tax Returns

Copies of federal and state income tax returns for the last 2 to 4 years must be supplied.

Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury

An under-oath declaration that the information contained within the schedule is true, which is in lieu of the Certificate of Credit Counseling.

Reorganization Plan

It describes how the debtor is going to restructure its debt, through repayment of the same, sale of its assets, and modification of business, accordingly.

Financial Projections

These are detailed estimates demonstrating the viability of the reorganization plan proposed.


Statement of Financial Affairs (SOFA)

Form B107 SOFA requires the following extensive information regarding the financial history of the debtor:

– Income from Employment and Other Sources for the Last Two Years

– Payments to creditors within 90 days before filing

– Payments to insiders within the last year

– Lawsuits and administrative proceedings

– Property transfers within the last two years


Disclosure of Compensation

The debtor attorney must disclose the compensation arrangement including the fee, retainer agreement and obligations owed and due. (Form B2030)


Creditors and Equity Security Holders Listing

The debtor must list all the creditors and equity security holders, including their names, addresses, and the amount owed, for notice purposes to the interested parties in the bankruptcy case.


Post-Filing Documentation

The filing requires the debtor, post-petition, to further provide continuing documentation to the intent of transparency and court requirements.


Monthly Operating Reports

Debtors would have to file Monthly Operating Reports (MORs) as an overview of the financial results status of the reorganizing business. It would normally contain:

– Statements of profit and loss

– Statement of cash flows

– Balance sheets

– Detailed income and expense accounts

MORs will help the court and creditors to ascertain financial performance and compliance with the reorganization plan.


Disclosure Statement in Chapter 11

The disclosure statement is of paramount importance in Chapter 11 and includes the following:

Disclosure Statement in Chapter 11

Disclosure Statement in Chapter 11

–  Brief description of business operations

–  Description of assets and liabilities

–  Statement of the reorganization plan

–  Financial projections and feasibility analysis

–  Risk factors

This document needs to be confirmed by the court in order for the court to ensure that the disclosures within this document are adequate and will enable the creditors to decide about the plan.


Reorganization Plan

Reorganization Plan refers to the method by which debtor will reorganize his debts and businesses, and it must include all the following:

Classification of Claims

The Reorganization Plan should separate the creditors into categories according to the nature of their claims.

Treatment of Each Class

Explain through the plan what the terms and conditions of the repayment will be.

Means of Implementation

Steps required to implement a plan, such as asset sales, financing.

Executory Contracts

An order on unfinished contracts and unexpired leases

The plan must be confirmed by the court to be certain that it is within the perimeters of the law and workable.


Other Papers and their Requirements

Creditors’ Committee

In most Chapter 11 cases, this committee usually is put in place to oversee the operations, negotiate terms and conditions, and protect the interests of creditors. The debtor is supposed to report on his finances periodically to the committee.

Debtor-in-Possession Financing

If new financing is necessary during the reorganization, this type of financing must be sanctioned by the court. The terms of the financing and the benefit derived from the financing must be put on paper and presented.

Employment and Compensation of Professionals

The debtor can retain professional services, such as lawyers and accountants, whose retention and compensation must be sanctioned by the court as fair in terms of fees.


Role of Consulting Firms in Chapter 11

Consulting firms play a significant role in Chapter 11 cases, where they serve as follows:

Role of Consulting Firms in Chapter 11

Role of Consulting Firms in Chapter 11

Financial Due Diligence: Verification of financial statements and metrics, among other items.

Asset and Liability Analysis: Compilation of asset and liability lists. Operational Due Diligence: The efficiency insight and restructuring options therein.

Operational Due Diligence: Provide insights into efficiency and restructuring options.

Preparation of Petitions and Schedules: Accurate preparation with timely filing.

Management Discussion and Analysis: Analysis of financial performance inclusive of turnaround strategies.

Risk Factors and Contingencies: Review for risks, compliance, and transparency.

This guide will take the business through some of the key documents and processes in Chapter 11 filings, and help the business move through such a challenging process toward financial recovery.


Services Offered by Magistral Consulting

Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing is not a straightforward process. It needs professional handling to be successful and smooth in terms of reorganization. Magistral Consulting provides services on aspects that are crucial in a Chapter 11 filing. These include:

Financial Due Diligence

We check the completeness of your financial statements and metrics. Financial experts laboriously go through the books, disclosing any anomalies, and prepare the appropriate documentation which is required by the court and creditors.

Preparation of Petitions and Schedules

Our team makes sure that all the bankruptcy documents, such as petitions and schedules, are prepared accurately and quickly. We will cover everything with regards to documentation so that any possibilities of delay or rejection can be avoided, and your filing can be full and compliant with the law.

Reorganization Plan Development

We assist in the development of an all-inclusive Reorganization Plan, wherein you outline the plan on how you plan to reorganize your debts and operations. This might be about the classification of claims, detailing the repayment terms, or mentioning the method of implementation, like the sale of assets or financing strategies, which would be utilized to effectuate your financial rehabilitation.

Post-Petition Compliance and Reporting

We thereafter provide post-petition support to ensure that requirements are met. This includes the preparation of MORs and Disclosure Statements, crucial in ensuring that your creditors are kept well informed and also in ensuring that the requirements of the courts are met while the reorganization is going on.

At Magistral Consulting, we have it within our scope to provide professional support in these critical areas so that you may navigate through the process of Chapter 11 effectively in order to have a successful reorganization.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices, Investment Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE funds, Corporates, and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal origination, Deal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial Modelling, Portfolio Management, and Equity Research

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you can reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com

Non-individual filings require a petition for the business, adapted schedules for business assets and inventory, a Statement of Financial Affairs, a Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury, a Reorganization Plan detailing debt restructuring, and Financial Projections showing the plan's feasibility.

The Statement of Financial Affairs (SOFA), Form B107, includes details like income from the past two years, payments to creditors and insiders, legal actions, and property transfers within the last two years.

Monthly Operating Reports (MORs) provide a snapshot of a business’s financial status, including profit and loss, cash flow, and balance sheets. They help the court and creditors monitor financial health and compliance with the reorganization plan.

Consulting firms aid by verifying financial documents, compiling asset and liability lists, providing operational insights, preparing and filing necessary documents, and analyzing financial performance and risks to support successful reorganization.


Inventory management helps the company to decide which and how many goods to order at a particular time. It is the process of purchasing, storing, and selling the stocks of a company. This means managing the process of inventory management from start to end, such as storing raw materials as well as finished goods, keeping them in a warehouse, and finally processing finished goods. It tracks inventory right from purchase to the sale of goods.

In short, it means having the right number of stocks, at the right place and at the right time.

A company’s inventory is the most valuable asset. In retail, manufacturing, industries, and other inventory-intensive sectors, a company’s raw materials, and its finished products are the core of its business. Inventory can also be viewed as a liability due to the possibility of spoilage, theft, damage, or changes in demand. It must be insured, and if it isn’t sold, it must be cleared at a discount.

The Objectives of Inventory management

To gain a better understanding of inventory management it is important that we understand what are the objectives which it seeks to achieve first. Given below are the key objectives of effective inventory management.

Objectives of Inventory Management

Objectives of Inventory Management

-Material availability: The main goal here is to ensure that all types of items are accessible whenever the production department needs them so that production is not hampered due to their unavailability.

-Improved customer service: Having the finished product available at all points of time so that even varying demands of the customers are met satisfactorily goes a long way in ensuring great customer service.

-Avoid waste: When there is no inventory management system in place, it is common for items to be wasted. In addition, theft can also be a major preventable complaint.

-Maintaining sufficient stock levels: Effective inventory management ensures that stocks are available at all points of time to the production department as well as the fact that retailers do not run out of stocks thereby ensuring efficient delivery.

-Cost-effectiveness: Cutting down on costs in terms of inventory hoarding ensures cost-effectiveness for the company.

-Cost value of inventories reduce: Regularly purchasing the stocks in bulk, can help in negotiations and getting discounts on the inventories.

-Optimizing product sales: It helps to determine the volume of the product sales. It helps in understanding the present condition as well as future consumption of the goods.

The Types of Inventories

Inventory has different classifications under different stages of the supply chain. Typically, there are four types:

-Raw materials: This refers to the raw materials which are then turned into finished goods. There are two types of raw materials:
    -Direct materials: These are used directly in finished goods, such as leather used in making belts.
    -Indirect materials: These are part of the overhead or factory costs, such as glue, tape, and oil, which can be considered indirect materials for the factory.

-Work-In-Process: The inventory that is being used by businesses to create the final goods, whether its direct or indirect inventory, is called Work-In-Process (WIP). For example, the packaging of a finished good is WIP.

-Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO): Inventory is what is needed to assemble and sell a finished product but is not built into the product itself. For example, basic office supplies such as paper, pens, and so on.

-Finished goods: This refers to the finished goods that are available for purchase by customers. This category includes any product that is ready to sell.

The Techniques of Inventory Management

Inventory management techniques can be used to control inventories regardless of the size of the business:

Techniques of Inventory Management

Techniques of Inventory Management

-Bulk Shipments: This method states that the goods are cheaper when they are bought in bulk. This is done when there are high consumer demands. This technique has the downside of keeping the bulk shipments in the warehouse, which results in higher costs overall. On the other hand, it reduces the shipping cost and it works well with the staple goods having long shelf lives.

-Backordering: It refers to the decision of taking orders and receiving the payments in advance for out-of-stock products. It’s a desire for most businesses but can be a logistical nightmare for the ones who are not prepared. Enabling backorders, increases sales and it’s just like a juggling act.

-Just in Time: Under this arrangement, finished goods are made available at just the right time. This means that the supplies of raw materials arrive as soon as the finished goods are ready to be shipped. This technique thereby helps businesses meet consumer demand without overfilling inventory and incurring any holding costs

-ABC Analysis: This is a technique based on putting the goods into different criteria in order of high importance, i.e. A being the most valuable and C being the least. Not all products are equal in value, and more emphasis should be placed on more valuable products. It improves time management and resource allocation.

-Drop shipping and cross-docking: This method completely removes the cost of maintaining inventories. When you have a drop shipping arrangement, you can transfer the client orders and shipping details to the wholesaler or manufacturer, who then ships the product.

Key statistics and facts about Inventory Management

The below points highlight some of the key statistics about the global supply chain market.

-The global supply chain market is estimated to be $15.85 Billion.

-The global supply chain is projected to grow by a CAGR of 2%

43% of small businesses in the United States do not track inventory or do so using a hands-on system

The #1 cause of U.S. supply chain disruptions is random IT shutdowns which is approximately 68%.

-The average US retail operation has an inventory accuracy of only 63%.

34 % of businesses have shipped an order late because they sold a product that was not in stock.

-Inventory losses cost an estimated $1.1 Trillion

-Prevention of stockouts can lower inventory costs by 10%.

-As of June 2019, US retailers are sitting on approximately $1.36 of inventory for every $1 sold.

-The number of private warehouses in the US has risen from 15,763 to 18,182 since 2013.

-The industry in the US has moved towards having smaller warehouses – from an average of 400,000 sqft to 50,000-200,000 sqft.

Magistral’s service offerings for Inventory Management

Capital tied up in inventory leads to requirements for higher working capital. Apart from higher working capital requirements, the non-moving list also leads to wasteful inventory carrying costs. Our services span from requirement gathering, ordering, delivery and maintenance to ensure you only carry the inventory optimum for your required performance.

-ABC Analysis: This includes inventory management strategies and the services related to working capital reduction.
Inventory reduction: Working capital optimization as well as monetizing non-moving items are provided under this head.
Ordering and Refill: In this minimum order quantity is calculated, also logistics cost optimization is done.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Procurement and Supply Chain.

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com