Tag Archives: Cost Reduction


Transportation Analytics in a supply chain refers to the movement of products from one point to another. It starts at the beginning of the supply chain when supplies arrive at the warehouse and goes to the end-user when the customer’s order is delivered right to their door. Because of its importance, warehouse managers should investigate transportation in their supply chains. In the end, this is the only method to cut total expenses in a scenario where transportation can account for up to 60% of total operational costs or a significant amount of a company’s supply chain costs. Few activities in the supply chain have as much of an impact on business as transportation selection. Delivery techniques ensure that deliveries to and from the business go smoothly and reach their destinations on time. Because transportation is crucial to the company’s performance, it is critical to incorporate it into the supply chain management strategy. Transportation is regarded as one of the three essential components of supply chain management because of its importance.

Transportation analytics rapidly power mobility information and insights, altering transportation planning by making vital data collection and understanding more accessible, faster, cheaper, and safer. Cities, transit agencies, transportation departments, and other entities increasingly turn to transportation analytics to solve challenges, prioritize investments, and gain stakeholder support.

The transportation analytics market was worth USD 15.65 billion in 2021 and is predicted to grow to USD 77.33 billion by 2029, with a CAGR of 22.10 percent from 2022 to 2029. Because of its ability to simplify commercial and personal transportation, Predictive Analytics accounts for the most prominent type of segment in the corresponding industry.

Usage of Transportation Analytics

Big data is heavily used in supply chain management to evaluate operational hazards, improve communication, secure proprietary data, and improve supply chain accessibility. This data is used by industries in a variety of ways, including predictive analytics and the creation of more efficient cloud-based platforms.

Usage of Transportation Analytics

Usage of Transportation Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Data mining, statistics, and machine learning are used in predictive analytics to assess future supply demands, inventory, and customer behavior. Companies use predictive analytics and machine learning to forecast future physical hazards in the supply chain and financial, customer, and other operational risks.

Cloud-Based Platforms

Cloud technology will be critical in the future of transportation and supply chain management. It can help lower costs by reducing the influence of physical/geographic barriers, merging, and replacing various in-person processes, mitigating some of the consequences of market swings, and consolidating and replacing various in-person processes. Optimized data, on the other hand, is critical to the success of cloud-based platforms. Data must be effectively recorded, transmitted, and used to profit from cloud technology fully.

Cloud storage has its own set of security concerns. As more businesses and industries migrate to the cloud, fraudsters will find the technology increasingly appealing. In addition to the protections provided by cloud providers, businesses should always examine what security measures are needed. Larger companies also often use many cloud providers across their operations. Companies must have solid policies for preferred vendors, best practices, and the involvement of internal IT teams in this situation.

Role of Transportation Analytics Professionals

The growth of e-commerce has led to higher expectations on speed, agility, and visibility. Manufacturers, merchants, and consumers have pushed transportation and warehousing companies to develop quickly to meet ever-increasing service demands. Transportation management is evolving thanks to supply chain technology fueled by data and analytics—these practical tools aid businesses in being more educated, efficient, and long-lasting.

Role of Transportation Analytics Professionals

Role of Transportation Analytics Professionals


Technology has catapulted the business beyond simple track-and-trace data into a new world of supply chain visibility in just a few years. Customers can now not only follow their items as they travel, but they may also receive text or email notifications when delivery vehicles are stationary for an extended period. The same information can show whether delivery is within a mile of its destination, allowing receiving facility managers to plan and avoid surprises. This increased awareness has ramifications that go beyond on-time delivery. Companies will be able to carry less inventory due to this data because they can precisely pinpoint their products’ locations and when they are needed. Over time, this could result in significant cost reductions. Data is also allowing for more personalization and control in the transportation industry. Internet of Things (IoT) sensors in trailers now allow drivers and dispatchers to watch and report on temperature, humidity, movement, and other vital elements in real-time, allowing them to intervene before a problem arises.


Fleet Management Systems

The use of fleet management technologies is also helping to improve transportation efficiency. Vehicles communicate with systems regularly, getting information such as how long they have been on the road, where they are going, and which route would be the most efficient. These solutions cut down on idle time for drivers, improve fuel efficiency, increase safety, and cut down on paperwork. This continuous connectivity between trucks and warehouses or manufacturing facilities also allows for increased flexibility and real-time responses to unanticipated incidents. By increasing transparency in the transportation business, digital freight platforms enable enterprises to think beyond today’s shipment. Thanks to technology, shippers may see regional trends, individual lane cost information, and driver preferences, while carriers can get specifics like loading/unloading durations and lane history data. All this information can aid in lowering operating costs without compromising service.

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

Finally, data will play a part in one of the most intriguing breakthroughs in transportation: platooning, in conjunction with other technologies. Platooning is a method of transporting three or four trucks through the lengthy segments of the highways. The lead vehicle requires a driver, while the other tracks follow a digital tether a short distance apart. All vehicles respond with near-zero reaction time because the lead vehicle controls its speed, direction, and braking. When the platoon is within range of a destination, it pulls over to a designated parking lot, where each truck is greeted by a driver who will guide it to its delivery location. Because only one driver will be needed for every three or four trucks on the road, this application will save money on driver labor. It has the potential to improve traffic safety by reducing human error and accelerating reaction times. The technique also reduces vehicle distance, boosting the road network’s ability. Platooning is also good for the environment. Vehicles that travel at a constant, controlled speed emit less CO2 and consume less fuel. Tests have already shown that this technology can save a three-truck platoon up to 11% on gasoline expenditures.

Magistral’s services on Transportation Analytics

Magistral’s services support a strong customer focus and guarantee that goods are delivered on time to customers, regardless of location. They also optimize routes and safeguard profit margins without losing delivery timeliness. They also understand and negotiate a more complex logistics landscape, with more options than ever. Other services include:

Carrier Profiles: It includes pricing, suitability, specialization, and other important parameters while deciding on the type of transportation.

Dashboards and Visualization: KPIs development and tracking help in measuring the performance of the overall business.

Logistics Management: This step includes fleet optimization, last-mile delivery, and process management. All these services help in the acquirement and storage of the goods.

Data Science: This is done to identify areas of improvement for delivery and quality while reducing costs.

Contract Management: This helps in the preparation of contracts, bid management, vendor shortlisting, and negotiations.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Procurement and Supply Chain.

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com



Inventory management helps the company to decide which and how many goods to order at a particular time. It is the process of purchasing, storing, and selling the stocks of a company. This means managing the process of inventory management from start to end, such as storing raw materials as well as finished goods, keeping them in a warehouse, and finally processing finished goods. It tracks inventory right from purchase to the sale of goods.

In short, it means having the right number of stocks, at the right place and at the right time.

A company’s inventory is the most valuable asset. In retail, manufacturing, industries, and other inventory-intensive sectors, a company’s raw materials, and its finished products are the core of its business. Inventory can also be viewed as a liability due to the possibility of spoilage, theft, damage, or changes in demand. It must be insured, and if it isn’t sold, it must be cleared at a discount.

The Objectives of Inventory management

To gain a better understanding of inventory management it is important that we understand what are the objectives which it seeks to achieve first. Given below are the key objectives of effective inventory management.

Objectives of Inventory Management

Objectives of Inventory Management

-Material availability: The main goal here is to ensure that all types of items are accessible whenever the production department needs them so that production is not hampered due to their unavailability.

-Improved customer service: Having the finished product available at all points of time so that even varying demands of the customers are met satisfactorily goes a long way in ensuring great customer service.

-Avoid waste: When there is no inventory management system in place, it is common for items to be wasted. In addition, theft can also be a major preventable complaint.

-Maintaining sufficient stock levels: Effective inventory management ensures that stocks are available at all points of time to the production department as well as the fact that retailers do not run out of stocks thereby ensuring efficient delivery.

-Cost-effectiveness: Cutting down on costs in terms of inventory hoarding ensures cost-effectiveness for the company.

-Cost value of inventories reduce: Regularly purchasing the stocks in bulk, can help in negotiations and getting discounts on the inventories.

-Optimizing product sales: It helps to determine the volume of the product sales. It helps in understanding the present condition as well as future consumption of the goods.

The Types of Inventories

Inventory has different classifications under different stages of the supply chain. Typically, there are four types:

-Raw materials: This refers to the raw materials which are then turned into finished goods. There are two types of raw materials:
    -Direct materials: These are used directly in finished goods, such as leather used in making belts.
    -Indirect materials: These are part of the overhead or factory costs, such as glue, tape, and oil, which can be considered indirect materials for the factory.

-Work-In-Process: The inventory that is being used by businesses to create the final goods, whether its direct or indirect inventory, is called Work-In-Process (WIP). For example, the packaging of a finished good is WIP.

-Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO): Inventory is what is needed to assemble and sell a finished product but is not built into the product itself. For example, basic office supplies such as paper, pens, and so on.

-Finished goods: This refers to the finished goods that are available for purchase by customers. This category includes any product that is ready to sell.

The Techniques of Inventory Management

Inventory management techniques can be used to control inventories regardless of the size of the business:

Techniques of Inventory Management

Techniques of Inventory Management

-Bulk Shipments: This method states that the goods are cheaper when they are bought in bulk. This is done when there are high consumer demands. This technique has the downside of keeping the bulk shipments in the warehouse, which results in higher costs overall. On the other hand, it reduces the shipping cost and it works well with the staple goods having long shelf lives.

-Backordering: It refers to the decision of taking orders and receiving the payments in advance for out-of-stock products. It’s a desire for most businesses but can be a logistical nightmare for the ones who are not prepared. Enabling backorders, increases sales and it’s just like a juggling act.

-Just in Time: Under this arrangement, finished goods are made available at just the right time. This means that the supplies of raw materials arrive as soon as the finished goods are ready to be shipped. This technique thereby helps businesses meet consumer demand without overfilling inventory and incurring any holding costs

-ABC Analysis: This is a technique based on putting the goods into different criteria in order of high importance, i.e. A being the most valuable and C being the least. Not all products are equal in value, and more emphasis should be placed on more valuable products. It improves time management and resource allocation.

-Drop shipping and cross-docking: This method completely removes the cost of maintaining inventories. When you have a drop shipping arrangement, you can transfer the client orders and shipping details to the wholesaler or manufacturer, who then ships the product.

Key statistics and facts about Inventory Management

The below points highlight some of the key statistics about the global supply chain market.

-The global supply chain market is estimated to be $15.85 Billion.

-The global supply chain is projected to grow by a CAGR of 2%

43% of small businesses in the United States do not track inventory or do so using a hands-on system

The #1 cause of U.S. supply chain disruptions is random IT shutdowns which is approximately 68%.

-The average US retail operation has an inventory accuracy of only 63%.

34 % of businesses have shipped an order late because they sold a product that was not in stock.

-Inventory losses cost an estimated $1.1 Trillion

-Prevention of stockouts can lower inventory costs by 10%.

-As of June 2019, US retailers are sitting on approximately $1.36 of inventory for every $1 sold.

-The number of private warehouses in the US has risen from 15,763 to 18,182 since 2013.

-The industry in the US has moved towards having smaller warehouses – from an average of 400,000 sqft to 50,000-200,000 sqft.

Magistral’s service offerings for Inventory Management

Capital tied up in inventory leads to requirements for higher working capital. Apart from higher working capital requirements, the non-moving list also leads to wasteful inventory carrying costs. Our services span from requirement gathering, ordering, delivery and maintenance to ensure you only carry the inventory optimum for your required performance.

-ABC Analysis: This includes inventory management strategies and the services related to working capital reduction.
Inventory reduction: Working capital optimization as well as monetizing non-moving items are provided under this head.
Ordering and Refill: In this minimum order quantity is calculated, also logistics cost optimization is done.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Procurement and Supply Chain.

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com



What is an Outsourced CFO?

In today’s outsourced and globally connected business world there are many functions of businesses that are being outsourced like accounting, payroll, operations, IT, and marketing among others. Unfortunately, not many companies are aware that finance as a function can be outsourced too.

Herein, comes the importance of an Outsourced CFO. An outsourced CFO is a financial expert who provides financial services on a part-time or full-time basis to companies. The role of an outsourced CFO is to provide strategic insights as well as provide expertise in areas such as formulating strategy or providing core financial services help. This includes areas such as support in finding cash flows, raising capital, implementing more efficient systems, or formulating growth strategies. Usually, outsourced CFOs have considerable experience performing high-level financial roles as they may have worked in corporate finance roles in other reputed organizations.

Why one should hire an Outsourced CFO?

Outsourced CFOs can lead up to 40-50% savings in costs. About 80% of financial services executives outsource or offshore some of their services.   Highlighted below are some of the top reasons for outsourcing this critical finance function.

Benefits of Outsourced CFO

Benefits of Outsourced CFO

-Currently undergoing growth – This is usually the case for companies that are witnessing a lot of growth. A common example could be growth related to the launch of new products or say when a company is entering a new market.

-Resolving key business challenges – This comes into the picture when a company for instance is trying to resolve challenges such as cash flow, cost cutting, or looking to improve operational efficiencies.

-Raising debt or equity capital – Outsourced CFO can be of great help especially when companies are looking to raise capital. They do so by assisting in strategy formulation for it, due diligence, and in raising capital in terms of debt or equity mix.

-Maximizing margins – By analyzing current spending and costs, the outsourced CFO can suggest improvements that can be made in spending.

-Need for an interim CFO – This normally is the case when there is a need felt to place an interim CFO, especially in cases where an organization is transitioning from one CFO to another or a need is felt to outsource an organization’s finance function simply because someone else can do it better.

-Taking advantage of consulting services- An organization can look to hire an outsourced CFO simply because they can do the task better.

How does an Outsourced CFO provide value?

We have already seen why companies should look forward to outsourcing their services to a third-party service provider. In this section, we will look at some of the key benefits that are provided by an outsourced CFO. It must also be mentioned here that there are cost implications associated with hiring a CFO. Smaller companies may not have the budget to hire a CFO. This means they can incur a lot of savings by outsourcing this function which can be at a fraction of the costs of the salaries that are paid to a CFO. Not to mention the availability of talent and global access to them without incurring many operational headaches. These talents are simply at a third company party’s disposal the benefit of which can be reaped by companies.

There are some of the other benefits which an outsourced CFO can provide. Some of them are:

-They help in financial planning and analysis by providing assistance in the form of budgeting, and forecasting future revenue or cash flows for a company.

-They can help an organization in assessing its strengths and weaknesses vis a vis competition.

-Help in designing complex business models which necessitate the use of techniques such as NPV and IRR.

-Help in analyzing spending and cost incurred by a company and thereby suggest improvements in cost cutdowns.

-Assistance with financial statement preparation.

-Assistance with yearly financial reporting.

Top 10 Outsourced CFO services

A question that arises naturally is what kind of services are provided by Outsourced CFO.

Listed below are the top 10 services

Top Outsourced CFO Services

Top Outsourced CFO Services

-Financial Strategy – One of the key benefits of outsourcing CFO services is in designing a company’s financial strategy. These are designed both short term as well as long term.

-Forecasting – Forecasting for the future is one of the key functions of any finance division of an organization. Preparation of the details helps in planning an operational roadmap for an organization. It requires a strategic understanding of requirements, assessing current and future capabilities of a company, competition analysis, and mastery in building financial models

-Financial systems strategy and design – With growth, it becomes imperative for any organization to implement software and improve process that can match an organization’s growth strategy. An outsourced CFO can help address this pain point by redesigning systems and suggesting improvements in current processes.

-Budgeting – Managing budgets is one of the key functions of the finance function. Normally budgeting is done for a 5–10-year time horizon. Budgeting helps to plan spending and future revenues in great detail.

-Financial statement preparation – An outsourced CFO can help in preparing financial statements as well as interpreting their consequences. This is the most useful information for any organization.

-Raising capital – Here a person is introduced to a host of investors, people or organizations who can help a company in raising its capital.

-Capital structure – This is done by suggesting which would be a better route – debt or equity or a mix of both.

-Interim CFO services – This service is most useful to avail of in case there is a transition from one CFO to the next or in cases where low-cost outsourcing seems to be a better option.

-Cost cutting – Costs are an important factor in decision-making. Outsourcing its services to a third party can help in this.

-Complex decision making – This is especially true with companies where complex decision making is involved and which requires the knowledge and expertise of a person. Examples could be making models for Mergers and Acquisitions, management buyouts, etc.

How can Magistral help in providing CFO services?

Magistral offers Portfolio Management services for varied kinds of the portfolio of companies such as Private Equity or a Venture Capital fund. For all the investors who sit on multiple boards, it is a headache, to implement something in a company that worked in another portfolio company. The problem is more acute when all companies are in similar industries and are facing quite similar headwinds. Limited supervision time available to board members, unavailability of resources across companies, and implementation knowledge held in a single portfolio company, all play spoilsport. It’s like re-inventing the wheel every time for the same problem.

We help portfolio managers in centralizing their Marketing (mostly digital), Strategy (Fund-raising and Exits), and Finance at fraction of the cost required to have dedicated functions in each portfolio company, big or small. The off-shored extended team also ensures no knowledge is lost for similar projects across companies and multiple projects in multiple companies can run at the same time, prioritized as per the schedule of board meetings. Learning, of course, is cross-pollinated across projects.

Our service offerings for portfolio and other companies are:

-Strategy: Identifying add-on acquisitions and potential buyers, fundraising, exit strategy, growth strategy, and content marketing

-Analytics: Financial reporting and analysis, preparing dashboards, data visualization, text cleaning and mining, predictive modeling, KPI tracking, and web scraping

-Sales: List generation, CRM cleansing and management, competitive intelligence, and social media management.

-Financial planning: Budget preparation, forecasting, and competitive quarterly earnings updating.

-Procurement: Spend analysis, vendor identification and management, spend base cost reduction, category strategy, RFP support and procurement strategy.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family OfficesInvestment BanksAsset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE fundsCorporates and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is in Deal originationDeal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial ModelingPortfolio Management and Equity Research.

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com


The practice of employing quantitative methodologies to obtain actionable insights and outcomes from data is known as procurement analytics. It entails gathering and analyzing data to enable fact-based decision-making and competitive advantage. It usually reports on what has happened in the past and makes estimations based on historical data using predictive analytics to predict what will happen in the future.

Procurement analytics uses quantitative methodologies to obtain meaningful insights and outcomes from data to provide companies and firms with better visualization of their procurement budget. Predictive analytics software gathers data from internal and external sources and organizes it in procurement dashboards. They enable businesses and organizations to use procurement data to make informed decisions and obtain strategic, competitive benefits.

Procurement analytics is critical for enhancing the efficiency of a company’s overall business operations and providing helpful market knowledge to aid strategic business choices. Without it, organizations often miss cost-cutting opportunities, do not meet KPIs, encounter supply chain disruptions, and pay higher costs.

Importance of Procurement Analytics

Analytics is often recognized as one of procurement’s most valuable resources and disruptive forces. Most Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) consider analytics the most crucial technology in their organizations.

Procurement Analytics Importance

Importance of Procurement Analytics

Over the next decade, analytics has also been identified as the most disruptive force in procurement. It is a prevalent misperception that procurement analytics is limited to spend analytics. In truth, analytics affects all aspects of a company’s operations, from strategic sourcing to category management and procure-to-pay. Here are the reasons why analytics are so vital in procurement.

Category Management

When applied correctly, analytics provide category managers with superpowers. Category managers can use procurement analytics to find cost-cutting possibilities, segment and prioritize suppliers, address supply risk, and foster innovation.

Strategic Sourcing

Data informs the most effective company strategy. Analytics aids strategic sourcing by finding the ideal dates and locations for sourcing events and proposal requests. It can decide which suppliers to include in sourcing projects and provide detailed information on their quality and risk levels.

Contract Management

Analytics is beneficial throughout the contract lifecycle management process. It can send notifications when contracts need to be renegotiated and provide information for supplier discussions. Furthermore, analytics can find maverick spending to increase contract coverage and compliance.


The transactional part of procurement can benefit significantly from procurement analytics. Purchase order cycles may be tracked, and analytics can enhance payment terms. Payment accuracy, rebate opportunities, and mistaken payments can be checked while eliminating fraud.

Sustainability and CSR

Companies increasingly recognize the benefits of analytics in assessing sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and associated risk in the supply chain and procurement. Procurement decisions can have an environmental or social impact, and analytics can reveal opportunities for more sustainable options.

Steps of Procurement Analytics

During the projected period, the procurement analytics market is expected to increase from USD 2.6 billion in 2021 to USD 8.0 billion in 2026, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3 percent.

Procurement Analytics Process

Procurement Analytics Process

The use of procurement analytics technologies and services is projected to be driven by several factors, including increased expenditure on marketing and advertising by businesses, a changing landscape of consumer intelligence to drive the market, and the expansion of customer channels.

Procurement analytics provides insight into spending, supplier performance, and prospects for cost savings. However, even if spending data is already stored in systems, making sense of it is typically tricky. Before insights can be discovered, three data processing procedures are needed.

Data Extraction

It begins with data extraction from all sources and consolidation into a single central database. Data is ready to be enriched and sanitized once it has been extracted. Data extraction is converting obsolete and jumbled data sources into a clear, unified format that is easy to understand and analyze.

Data Cleansing and Categorization

The data must then be classified into distinct and well-defined groups. A precise data classification is needed for practical expenditure analysis, making the heterogeneous spend data easier to oversee and manage across the company. This procedure unifies all purchase transactions into a single taxonomy, allowing customers to see their total spending in one place. This step can also enrich data by using automatic translations or consolidating suppliers.

Reporting and Analytics

The data is now ready to be analyzed after it has been categorized. Expenditure analysis gives the spend visibility that helps deliver intelligent analysis for faster opportunity identification, better sourcing decisions, and complete spending management. Access to dependable spend analytics is essential for significant cost savings and the realization of potential opportunities.

Advanced Procurement Analytics

Advanced analytics approaches employ computers to find patterns in large data sets, allowing procurement analysts to query their data, find statistically significant pricing drivers, and cluster the data based on those drivers. The clusters show a group of purchases with no notable cost driver changes, revealing the variances in vendor performance. One significant advantage is that, unlike individuals, advanced analytics algorithms do not make conclusions based on gut instinct or place disproportionate emphasis on data outliers. The tools also make it possible to evaluate thousands of permutations fast to see which statistical clusters best suit the data.


Preparing a fact base with information on prior transactions is the first step in effective negotiations. By inputting a description of the prospective transaction, advanced analytics allows the manufacturer to find a cluster of providers at once. The average price of similar purchases is highlighted in a summary of cluster data and a list of accessible vendors and their prices. The manufacturer can come to the bargaining table with prices based on historical data and information on vendors who work in this market armed with a solid, quantitative fact basis.

Vendor Management

Vendor segmentation and management are all about building relationships. As a result, it is more susceptible to the various biases that affect human interaction. While the personal element of the relationship should be respected, decisions about vendor performance should be based on facts rather than emotions. Advanced analytics can help reduce biases from the evaluation because it is especially beneficial in isolating vendor performance within a cluster.

Yearly Planning

Advanced analytics can be handy in assessing purchasing data to support a comprehensive sourcing strategy. Inventory-carrying decisions can also be influenced by modeling. Based on the data, the procurement team may decide whether to pay the carrying cost for more inventory or pay a premium for spot purchases.

Magistral’s Services on Procurement Analytics

Procurement is recognized as a crucial business contributor by many firms. Procurement expenses account for 40 to 70 percent of all costs and are a variable source of competitive advantage. Effective organizations use data to manage supplier relationships, grow their businesses, and even bring innovative ideas to life. In the last two years, more data has been created than in humankind’s history, posing unfamiliar problems for procurement analytics. Developing analytical technologies speeds up the data-to-insights process and opens new possibilities. Procurement analytics can boost operational efficiency throughout the sourcing and supplier management process. The following are the most common services offered by Magistral for procurement analytics:

-Spend Analytics

-Low-Cost Country Sourcing

-Sourcing Strategy

-Vendor Rationalization

-Bid Management

-RFP Management

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Procurement and Supply Chain offerings

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com