Decades ago, investment was done mainly through referrals or through knowledgeable sources like banks and private investment which was heavily based on the financial statement analysis of a company. The investors in the company were far and few. With no internet and adequate means of communication, investment or expansion of a company was a herculean task, then. Investors Database came into existence riding on the internet and information availability.
The world has now progressed to a stage where there are companies that are specifically dedicated to researching and providing access to investors’ databases. Although there are a plethora of options for startups or firms to raise money, there are very limited ones for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds, or Emerging Managers. Even if there are options, the prices for the same are prohibitive specifically for Emerging Managers who are on a shoestring budget.
Magistral’s Investors database
Our investors’ database is a collection of useful information about investors like LPs and GPs such as Private equity firms, Venture capitalists, Investment banking, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Family Offices, HNIs, and investment management firms. Each lead contains information such as their contact name, contact email, designation, company address, investment interests and specializations, investment geographies, and philosophy, etc. which is obtained mainly through sources such as secondary research, referrals, and personal contacts.
The purpose of the investor database is to facilitate the interactions between investors and business owners or Investment Managers and Limited Partners to invest in their firm or the fund. This can be done for multiple purposes such as seed capital funding, early-stage funding, expansion of business as well as late-stage funding in the case of companies. For funds, the obvious benefit is to close the funding rounds faster
Magistral consulting has a database that consists of General Partners, Limited Partners, Angel investors, and High Net Worth individuals (HNI’s) who have the resources and money available to invest in a business or a fund.
Problems with Other Solutions in the Market
There are various questions that one must answer before one agrees to pay for an investor database. Some of them are –
Costs: the costs associated with a database are large with some being as expensive as $30,000 to $80,000 for complete access. Costs are prohibitive for Emerging Managers.
Ease of Use: Very few players in the market allow for an easy-to-use interface for accessing the database
Excessive Information: Most of the information provided is not really relevant for a company. They need access to a limited number of resources.
Customized leads: Customized leads of GP’s, LPs, angel investors, etc. tailored as per your requirements are not easily available in the market. They have to pay for accessing the entire database.
Features of Magistral’s Investor Database
The database of Magistral consulting is exhaustive with $2500 cost for a single user license which has an access window of 6 months. In addition to these, an additional 500 customized leads are provided which is specifically tailored to suit your needs. So, for example, if you are looking for investors in Latin America in the specific domain of real estate specifically, these can be researched and given access to customized leads.
In addition to these is the fact that these leads are researched and updated on a daily basis by a dedicated team of analysts so that you can stay up to date with the latest list of investors in the market.
A simple, easy-to-use interface offers ease of use without any technical support required.
Magistral consulting offers a list of over 5000+ general partners, 3000+ limited partners, 1000+ angel investors, 3000+ other HNI’s across the geographies of the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, India, and the Rest of the World.
A snapshot of sample data is given below:

Sample Data from the Database
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)- Magistral’s Investors Database
What type of investors are there in the database?
The database contains 25000+ leads of international Limited Partners and General Partners
How do I search the database?
It is very simple. You are given a user id and password and you can access the database immediately upon receiving the login credentials.
What investor information is provided in the database?
Following are the fields of information that are provided upon accessing the database.
Company name, company type (family office, private equity, venture capital, etc.), name of the investor, email id, LinkedIn id, company address, and the industries they invest in.
What is the source of information of the database?
The primary source of information about the database is a continuous secondary research on the internet as well as referrals and private contacts.
What is the frequency of updating the database?
The database is updated on a daily basis by a dedicated team
How much does it cost?
It costs $2500 for a single-user license which is valid for 6 months. Customized leads are provided in addition as a value-added benefit to our clients.
Can I trust the database?
Yes, you can trust the database wholeheartedly as these are well researched by our internal team.
Do you introduce the investors as well to the contacts I find?
No, as a practice we don’t introduce the investors to our clients. However, there are several value-added services that Magistral consulting offers to its clients, some of which are given below. These are separate from the investor database.
1. Fundraising and support
2. Marketing and communications support
3. Target company profiling
4. Due diligence
These are just some of the services that Magistral offers to its clients. For more details, drop a line at
Can I download the data?
No, you cannot download the data. However, as mentioned earlier it is very easy to access. It is just like accessing an email or a web account where an account has a user id and a password.
There is a demo video for viewing how the database works available on Given below is the link given for it.
What are customized leads?
Customized leads are leads that are domain-specific or country-specific etc. which are provided on request. Say for example if one requests for real estate investors in Brazil, this can be provided upon request. This means 500 additional leads are given over and above the leads which are already present in the database.
Process of accessing the Magistral’s Investors Database
The process of accessing the database is given below.

How to get access to Magistral’s Database?
Delivery and timelines
1. Database username and password would be sent to the client within 48 working hours after receiving the payment.
2. Customized leads would be delivered within 3 weeks from the date of formal sign-off.
3. The client would be assigned a single point of contact for all queries. The client can also contact Magistral through the database.
About Magistral consulting
Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices, Investment Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE funds, Corporates and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal origination, Deal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial Modeling, Portfolio Management and Equity Research.
For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit
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