Tag Archives: Real Estate Fund Investing


A rent rolls is an indispensable tool with well-organized details about tenant information, lease terms, rent amount, property details, and monthly and annual rental income summaries. It is the foremost document that is required by both lenders and investors to access a significant amount of data for an informed decision-making process.  This replacement against dozens of documents serves as a focused view to the investors for two critical purposes, the first being the analysis of potential properties for acquisition and the other being to track the performance of already owned properties for better management of investments.

Requirements of Rent Rolls: When is it used?

In order to realize the true worth of the property, the rent roll is analyzed in different ways for various decision-making under varied situations.

Investment Analysis for Informed Decision-Making

This seems to be a simple document consisting of extremely important financial information required to calculate significant financial performance formulas such as net operation income, gross rent multiplier, and internal rate of return (IRR). All these formulas along with other calculations (if required) are used for analyzing the investment muscles of the commercial property.

Due Diligence

While processing the acquisition of the commercial property investors and potential buyers use the document as part of their due diligence. It provides the evaluation of the property’s financial performance which is usually based on factors like property type, square meters/feet, location, and condition. In the case of commercial property, the potential risk and overall suitability becomes critically important.

Magistral's Proficiency in Various Types of Due Diligence

Magistral’s Proficiency in Various Types of Due Diligence

Property Management

Owning a lot requires detailed management and the details revealed by the rent roll aid the management process for the investors. With details and facilities like tracking rental payments, management of lease expirations, and monitoring occupancy rates along with other details like pricing, tenant retention, lease negotiations, and overall property management it allows the investors to supervise their holdings.

Analysis of Market and Valuation

By analyzing the marketing deeply and broadly through the details in the document a comprehensive market comparison of other transacted rent rolls is done to obtain a multiplier. Based on the multiplier the management fee is calculated based on factors like average weekly rent, property-to-landlord ratio, ancillary fees and charges, arrears rate, staff and wages, economic factors, and compliance with the legislature. Synthesizing all a base for valuation is created for applying the required valuation method.

Application of Loan and Financing

It is needed by Investors to evaluate their decisions based on information like the rental income of the property, occupancy rate, and lease terms. It is the most popular document in the world of commercial property for analyzing future cash flow based on the current details the document holds aiding strategic financial decision-making.

Negotiations and Lease Renewals

The document is referred by the property owners and interested managers majorly for assessing the lease expiration dates and occupancy status of the property based on which negotiation of lease terms, evaluation of tenants’ rental strategies, and any necessary rent rate adjustments can be done for a better comparative analysis for long term investment.

Critical elements of Rent Rolls: What an investor should look for

Analysis of the rent rolls is a thorough and lengthy process as it traditionally involves a lot of paperwork. The document is prone to regular updation which requires constant evaluation. Although it consists of a lot of information that may overwhelm the investor while evaluating, given that the following key elements can be analyzed for a wholesome viewpoint:

Critical Elements of Rent Rolls

Critical Elements of Rent Rolls

Unit ID

A Unit ID is a unique identity of the property. It is a combination of a unit name and a property name which will always be unique in nature for different properties. This ID allows a handy organization of properties by investors.

Tenant’s Information

It reveals how “seasoned” tenants are. The long-term stay of tenants builds a sense of reliability and assurance in the minds of investors and increases the creditability of the property in the market.

Lease Dates

When it will start and when will be called off allows investors to plan their investment time, period, and amount. Scheduling the expiration of leases investors take bulk in or out investment decisions.

Lease Deeds

A formally constructed contract between the lessor and the lessee that provides legal protection to the concerned parties by defining their roles, responsibilities, and obligations.

Rent Amount

From the investor’s aspect the amount of rent is the stable income received against investment. The higher the stability more will be the reliability of the investor. However, properties with low levels of income are comparatively cheaper than the ones with stable income.

Due Date

It helps investors keep their financial ducks in a row and manage the payments accordingly.

Security Cash

The security amount provides a safety net to the investors. It acts as a buffer for investors in case the terms and situation are imbalanced.

Owed Balance

By keeping a count on what is yet to be cleared and received investors analyze the consistency of income flow. Long dues indicate poor strength of the property and a critically unfit situation to remain invested.

Pay History

Perfectly correlated with the owed balance and due date, pay history gives a summarized picture of what twists and turns investors encounter.

Apart from these elements guarantor information (if applicable), lease type, any renewal and termination option, and any lease-related documents attached (for example amendments in the lease contract) are some more critical aspects that should be covered while analyzing the rent roll.

Magistral Services for Rent Rolls Analysis

By following an in-depth analysis of the property’s rent roll Magistral acquires all relevant and necessary details and builds a database to manage the data sequentially for a better comparative analysis. The data is used for calculating metrics such as total rental income, occupancy rates, lease expiration schedules, and any delinquencies or vacancies to identify potential risks and opportunities based on the rent rolls. Using the results Magistral generates detailed reports and presentations to serve its clients with the best possible opportunities for investment and management. The major steps Magistral follows to serve its clients are:

Data Collection

Gathers data on the property by analyzing the rent rolls including tenant information, lease deed, lease dates, and lease type and some major factors.

Financial Analysis

By judging the financial health of the property Magistral applies various tools and techniques to frame a constructive picture for the client.

Market Comparison

By comparing different properties’ rent rolls a detailed comparative analysis is done by experts.

Risk Assessment

Through analyzing the comparative study, potential risks and opportunities are listed.


A structured and detailed report is shared with the client for an informed decision.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices, Investment Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE funds, Corporates, and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal origination, Deal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial Modelling, Portfolio Management, and Equity Research

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you can reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com

Magistral conducts deep industry research for detailed company profiling and competitive landscaping by extracting necessary details from the rent roll based on elements like the lease deed, rent amount, pay history, and any lease-related documents attached (for example amendments in the lease contract).

Magistral arranges a support system for routine maintenance, repairs, and inspections of the rental property to support its clients.

The major elements used by Magistral for analyzing and managing the risk are – the lease date, lease deed, due date, tenant’s information, owed balance, and pay history of the property.

Rather than having a standardized approach Magistral follows a more customized path by providing unique solutions to typical problems such as portfolio management for multiple properties or specialized reporting requirements to serve its clients with the best possible solution at the best possible cost.

Introduction to Real Estate Financial Research

Real Estate is considered one of the golden investments that are pretty safe from the vicissitudes of financial markets. Everyone can’t own a piece of cash-generating real estate as it requires massive investments. That is why various real estate-based financial instruments help investors get a pie of the Real Estate market and enjoy the share of the returns.

At the same time, the Real Estate market requires comprehensive research to ascertain the quality of assets, to be successful. Real Estate finance is even more tricky.

Magistral Consulting specializes in operations’ outsourcing for Asset Management players specializing in RE across the globe. Our clientele comprises the following types of RE Financial players

Magistral Services for Real Estate

Magistral’s services for Real Estate

Real Estate Private Equity: It’s a form of Private Equity which has an underlying asset in the form of RE or RE based stocks. Players choose their area of expertise depending on the specialization of partners or picking up an asset class that is growing rapidly. Multiple forms here can be elders’ living, self-storage, infrastructure, redevelopment funds, renewable energy-based infrastructure, meth farming lands, or several other types of residential and commercial Real Estate.  The Private Equity fund invests in the RE stocks, REIT stocks, or RE ETF and gives returns in the form of dividend or capital appreciation.  There are also multiple RE based hedge funds too on similar lines.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT): These funds are invested more directly in RE as compared to Real Estate Private Equity. After buying the Real Estate, these funds actively manage the asset for maintenance and rental collections and yields. They then distribute their earnings in the form of dividends to their investors. REIT stocks are also traded bringing in capital appreciation or profits from trading. Many investors including RE Private Equity apart from Investment Banks and other Financial institutions buy into REIT stocks.

Real Estate Owners/ Developers: These are the direct owners of the Real Estate or developers of the properties. They may have land and may look for funds from investors to develop it and then distribute the profits accordingly.

Real Estate Consultants/Real Estate Brokers: Like the Real Estate owners, property consultants and brokers may also have interests in collaborations for development and fund-raising.

Magistral Consulting services cover the full range of operational support for all types of players in the Real Estate finance business. Here are our lines of services offerings:

Real Estate Fund Raising and Exits

These assignments are taken on a retainer basis. It includes all the operations’ support that is required for fundraising. This includes services like Identifying Limited Partners that may invest in a given asset, funding strategy, funding environment analysis, pitch deck, investor committee presentations, equity waterfall analysis, and several other similar assignments to close the funding round as soon as possible.

Real Estate Pre Deal Support

The service is related to document and operational support before a deal. This includes preparing investment memorandums, financial modeling that finds out the Real Estate valuations and returns, market analysis, property profiling, data, and data rooms’ management. Real Estate due diligence is also performed under this bouquet of services

Real Estate Deal Structuring

These are the services offered during the RE deal. This includes Real Estate modeling, rent rolls analysis, rental comps, equity waterfalls, funding requirement analysis, and investor committee memorandums

Real Estate Portfolio Management

This includes services like board updates, occupancy and yield trackers, Real Estate yields, REIT dividend calculations, tracking real estate fund indices, rent roll analysis, expenses and budgets, Real Estate Fund Accounting, fund administration, and accounting, fund fee structures, and portfolio dashboards.

Advantages of Operations’ Outsourcing for a Real Estate firm

There are multiple advantages of outsourcing for a Real Estate based investment firm or an Asset Manager

Advantages of Outsourcing

Advantages of Outsourcing for a Real Estate Based Asset Management firm

Everything in-house will bring down your pace of growth: For any organization, whether it’s a REIT, RE Private Equity, or a RE based Asset Manager, growth is good news. But it also brings with it, huge uncertainties in terms of cash flow. Outsourcing here acts as a temporary patch. You get the project, you outsource it till the client stabilizes, and then decide what to keep in-house and what to outsource. It brings down the cash flow risks dramatically. Outsourcing keeps pace with your project flow and you don’t wait for months for the new associates to join you.

Quality concerns around outsourcing are unfounded:  Another factor that is sighted against outsourcing is quality concerns. Some of the biggest Real Estate players have outsourced their operations to low-cost countries like India. We also encourage clients to have low-cost pilots to ascertain quality before deciding on a larger scope of work to be outsourced.

Unmistakable advantages in terms of costs: The complete business case of outsourcing is usually built around saving costs, and it is very easy to understand the advantages here. Depending on your location in the US, Europe, the UK, or Australia, outsourced analysts are cheaper in tune to 30% to 80% of the costs of onsite analysts. There are further savings in terms of lower supervision time, costs of databases, skill bandwidth of the whole outsourced team as compared to a few onsite analysts, and the flexibility with which new resources could be added or removed

If you are small, you can’t do without outsourcing: It is understood that outsourcing will bring mighty savings on top of the headcounts in thousands. Though that is correct, there are immense benefits for small setups too. A small set up sometime may miss some of the critical skills that bigger Real Estate players have.

Assignments move at double the pace: Outsourced team acts as an extended team to the onsite team. With time zone differences, it is like the combined team is moving at double the pace working in the day and the night as well. So an assignment that would have taken 30 days to complete may see itself being finished in 15 days. Agility does have value in the marketplace.

No exit barriers from contracts: If you are not happy with the quality, timeliness, and responsiveness or have any other issues with your own business or the quality of services, the contracts have a swift exit clause. You can terminate the contract with a few days’ notice.

Competitive pressures regarding outsourcing: Real Estate Financial services are increasingly outsourcing their operations. It gives them an immense advantage in terms of costs and hence pricing their services to their clients. Someone who is doing everything in-house will be costlier without adding any additional value to the client. Competitive intensity regarding outsourcing is huge, and it may force everyone to outsource at some point. Early movers may rope in significant rewards though.

Hiring an individual Vs. Hiring a team: When you outsource, you don’t hire a single individual, you also hire the expertise of a team that is working across the various RE players for years. This means an international standard quality being delivered on day 1 as compared to months for an onsite hire.

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple RE firms in outsourcing their operations to build in significant cost savings. To drop an inquiry get in touch

About Magistral

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family OfficesInvestment BanksAsset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE fundsCorporates and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal originationDeal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial ModelingPortfolio Management and Equity Research

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The Author, Prabhash Choudhary is the CEO of Magistral Consulting and can be reached at Prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsutling.com for any queries or business inquiries.