Category Archives: Industries Strategy and Marketing Support


Trend Analysis is a critical tool used in various industries to identify patterns and changes in data over time. It is a powerful method that allows businesses, governments, and individuals to make informed decisions based on historical data. Trend analysis involves identifying trends, patterns, and changes in data, which can then be used to make predictions and inform decision-making processes. It is widely used in marketing, finance, and economics to understand market trends, investment patterns, and consumer behavior.

The ability to identify long-term trends and patterns that might be challenging to identify in the short term is one of the main advantages of trend analysis. Trend analysis can spot both upward and downward trends by examining data over time, giving businesses the information, they need to decide on their future business strategies. For instance, companies can use trend analysis to forecast sales patterns, spot market opportunities, and make wise product development choices.

It is particularly useful in industries where data is abundant and constantly changing. In finance, for example, trend analysis is used to analyze stock prices, identify patterns in investment trends, and make predictions about future market performance. Similarly, in the healthcare industry, trend analysis is used to identify patterns in disease outbreaks, track the spread of infectious diseases, and develop effective strategies for managing public health crises.

To perform, businesses and organizations typically use a variety of tools and techniques. These can include statistical software, data visualization tools, and predictive modeling techniques. In some cases, businesses may also enlist the help of data analysts and experts to interpret data and develop actionable insights.

In general, its is an effective tool that can assist companies and organizations in making decisions based on past evidence. Trend analysis can help businesses remain ahead of market trends, make educated decisions about product development, and maintain competitiveness in a market that is constantly changing.

Types of Trend Analysis

Trend Analysis is an essential tool for forecasting and predicting future trends in various industries. The primary goal of trend analysis is to identify patterns and trends that can help organizations make informed decisions. There are several types of trend analysis that businesses use to predict future trends in their industry. Here are some of the most common types of trend analysis:

Types of Trend Analysis

Types of Trend Analysis

Time-series Analysis:

Time-series analysis is a statistical method used to identify trends in data over time. This type of trend analysis is commonly used in finance, economics, and engineering. Time-series analysis involves studying historical data to identify trends, seasonal patterns, and cyclical patterns.

Seasonal Analysis:

Seasonal Analysis is a type of trend analysis that focuses on identifying patterns in data that repeat on a seasonal basis. This type of analysis is commonly used in retail, agriculture, and tourism industries. Seasonal analysis involves studying historical data to identify trends that occur during certain seasons.

Cross-Sectional Analysis:

Cross-sectional Analysis is a statistical method used to compare data across different groups or populations. This type of analysis is commonly used in marketing and social sciences. Cross-sectional analysis involves studying data from different groups or populations to identify trends that exist across those groups.

Regression Analysis:

The statistical technique of regression analysis is used to determine the connection between two or more variables. In the fields of business, economics, and social sciences, this kind of analysis is frequently used. The goal of regression analysis is to find trends and patterns in the relationships between two or more factors by examining historical data.

Content Analysis:

A qualitative research method used to analyse written or spoken language is content analysis. In the media, communication, and marketing industries, this type of analysis is common. The study of language used in media or communication to identify trends and patterns in how people talk about certain topics is known as content analysis.

Comparative Analysis:

Comparative Analysis is a technique for comparing data from different time periods, groups, or populations. This type of analysis is common in finance, economics, and the social sciences. Comparative analysis entails examining data from various time periods, groups, or populations to identify trends that exist across those time periods or groups.

Trend analysis is a vital tool for businesses to forecast upcoming trends and make wise choices. The various trend analysis techniques covered above can be used to spot patterns, seasonal trends, and connections between various factors. Organizations can keep on top of trends and compete in their sector by using these types of trend analyses.

Benefits of Trend Analysis

The following are the benefits of utilizing trend analysis:

Benefits of Trend Analysis

Benefits of Trend Analysis

Understanding Industry Trends: Trend analysis services help businesses stay on top of industry trends by analyzing data and identifying patterns. This can help businesses identify emerging trends before their competitors and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Identifying Market Opportunities: By analyzing trends in the market, trend analysis services can help businesses identify new market opportunities. This can help businesses expand into new markets or develop new products and services that meet changing customer needs.

Predicting Future Trends: Trend analysis services use statistical methods and predictive analytics to forecast future trends. This can help businesses plan for the future, adjust their strategies, and make informed decisions.

Monitoring Competitors: Trend analysis services can help businesses keep an eye on their competitors by analyzing their strategies, pricing, and marketing tactics. This can help businesses identify areas where they can gain a competitive advantage or adjust their strategies to stay ahead.

Identifying Risks: By analyzing trends in the market and the broader economy, trend analysis services can help businesses identify potential risks and threats. This can help businesses prepare for economic downturns or changes in the market and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Enhancing Decision-Making: Trend analysis services provide businesses with data-driven insights that can help them make better decisions. By providing accurate and timely information, trend analysis services can help businesses stay agile and respond quickly to changes in the market.

Customized Solutions: The analysis services can be customized to meet the specific needs of individual businesses. This can include analyzing data from different sources, using different analytical tools, and providing tailored reports and recommendations.

Cost-Effective: Trend analysis services can be cost-effective for businesses, as they can provide valuable insights without requiring significant investment in data analytics tools and resources.

Magistral’s Services for Trend Analysis

The following are some of the most important trend research services that are offered:

Market Research: Gathering and analyzing data on consumers, rivals, and market trends constitute a crucial analysis service. Businesses can use this information to find fresh market opportunities and make wise choices.

Social Media Monitoring: Social media surveillance entails keeping an eye on social media sites for mentions of a company or its rivals. This can offer insightful information about the attitudes, trends, and tastes of customers.

Customer Analytics: Analyzing consumer data to find trends and patterns in customer behavior is known as “customer analytics.” Businesses can use this to increase client engagement, create targeted marketing campaigns, and pinpoint problem areas.

Financial Analysis: Financial analysis examines financial data to discover trends and patterns in business performance. Businesses can use this to identify cost-cutting opportunities, boost profitability, and make sound investment decisions.

Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics employs statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to forecast future trends. This can help businesses predict market trends, anticipate customer needs, and adjust their strategic plans accordingly.

Industry Analysis: Data on market patterns, rivalry, and legislative changes are analyzed in industry analysis. This can assist companies in staying current with market trends and making wise strategic choices.

Data visualization: The process of displaying complex data in graphic forms such as charts, graphs, and dashboards is known as data visualisation. This allows organisations to quickly identify trends and patterns in large data sets and then make decisions based on those insights.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Marketing and Strategy Support.

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to



According to a definition Market Survey has been defined as, “an investigation into the state of the market for a particular product or service, including an analysis of consumers’ needs and preferences”.

A Market Survey seeks to better understand the needs and preferences of the target market by gathering data on its preferences, attitudes, and behaviors. This data is then used to guide marketing and profitable decisions. Market surveys can be used for a variety of purposes, including determining the viability of a new product or service, identifying potential customers and their needs, assessing the success of marketing campaigns, and comprehending the competitive landscape.

Types of Market Surveys

To learn more about a specific market or target audience, various forms of market surveys can be employed. Typical forms of market research include:

Types of Market Surveys

Types of Market Surveys

Online questionnaires:

These are questionnaires that are distributed via email or a website via the internet. They are a practical and economical technique to swiftly and easily get data from a vast number of people.

Telephone Surveys:

These are surveys carried out over the phone. They make it possible for researchers to communicate with a diversity of people and gather data instantly.

In-person surveys:

Surveys that are administered in person are those that are done face-to-face, either in a public setting or the respondent’s home. They give researchers the chance to get more information and ask follow-up questions.

Mail surveys:

These are questionnaires that are distributed to a certain number of people via the mail. They can have a low response rate even though they are a comparatively cheap method of data collection.

Focus groups:

These are intimate, interactive gatherings where people are brought together to talk about a specific subject or item. They target a group of people for a particular survey or discussion. They give researchers the chance to learn detailed information from that group of people.

Observation studies:

Studies that use observation involve watching people without influencing their behavior while they go about their daily lives. They offer a chance to collect information about behavior and attitudes in a real-life practice setting.

Purpose of Market Survey

Market surveys have multiple purposes. Some of them are –

Eliciting customer feedback

As we all know networking with customers especially when it comes to gathering customer feedback about the use of a product or service, is critical. Companies should know how the customer feels when using their products, especially vis-a-vis competition. Market surveys can help in gathering this vital information from customers.

Understanding purchase behavior

Surveys can help understand customers’ purchase behavior. This is accomplished by knowing the intent behind the purchase, usage patterns, post-purchase behavior, etc.

Making better products

Once the above customer feedback is gathered, it can enhance and improve product offers and services.

Measuring client satisfaction

This is especially true in the case of B2B customers where a survey of existing and potential clients is used to measure their satisfaction with the services of clients. This is used on a large scale by service-based industries like ITES and consulting.

Basically, a market survey is a study directed toward gathering information about a particular market. This information can be used to better understand the market and to make informed decisions about products or services that will be offered in that market. Market surveys can help businesses to determine the size and characteristics of the target market, identify budding customers, and evaluate the competition. This information can be valuable in developing effective marketing strategies and determining the potential success of a new product or service. Additionally, market surveys can help businesses to identify trends and changes in consumer preferences, which can be useful in adapting to changing market conditions. Overall, the purpose of a market survey is to provide businesses with the information they need to make informed decisions about their products and services and to better understand the market in which they operate.

Benefits of Market Survey

There are several benefits of Market Surveys. Some of them are listed below –

Benefits of Conducting Market Survey

Benefits of Conducting Market Survey

Enhanced understanding of the target market:

A market survey can help organizations gain a deeper understanding of their target market so that they can better recognize their consumers’ tastes, attitudes, and behaviors and design products and services that will satisfy their needs.

Enhanced efficiency:

Market surveys can assist companies in making more informed decisions and cut down on the time and effort needed to obtain market intelligence by easily gathering data from a large number of people. The process is accomplished swiftly.


Compared to other research techniques like focus groups or in-depth interviews, market surveys are typically a more affordable approach to collecting data.


Market surveys can be readily amended or updated as needed and tailored to match a firm’s unique demands.

Objective data:

Market Surveys offer objective data that is gathered from a representative sample of the target market, which can assist firms in making decisions that are more accurate and objective.

Magistral’s Services for Market Survey

Customer needs are changing with the interplay of tech. B2B customers are becoming even more sophisticated in their buying decisions. So, it’s imperative to be on top of your customer’s needs and trends. Our services help you with that while keeping the Marketing costs low and ensuring all activities have a return on investment.

Some of the services that are associated with Market Surveys that are offered by Magistral consulting are

-Product training: Product training is a program that effectively tells about the company’s products and services.

-Customized survey templates: Customized survey templates are created as per the client’s requirement, adhering to the theme of the product and services.

-Pre-launch survey design review: Sharing the survey design for reviews and thoughts from the client and implementing any changes if required.

-Complementary qualification rate tests: Outlining & analyzing the potential results from the survey to match the particular outcome or meaning generated from the survey.

-Access to niche and B2B targeting: Able to access the niche segment and effective B2B targeting.

-Complex projects launch: Manual launch of the complex projects in segments for feedback and improvising through the process.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Marketing and Strategy Support.

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to


Market Research is the practice of evaluating the viability of a new service or product by interviewing prospective customers first-hand. Market research enables a business to identify the target market and obtain consumer comments and other inputs regarding their interest in the good or service. This kind of research can be carried out internally, by the business itself, or by an outside market research firm.

As our world, both online and offline, get busier and demands more of our attention, this is quite beneficial. By comprehending your customer’s problems, needs, and desired solutions, you can build your product or service to appeal to them naturally. Market research enables you to collect data from a larger sample size of your target population and get to the heart of customer opinions by removing prejudice and presumptions. As a result, by having a complete understanding, you can make better business decisions. Let’s examine market research further.

Research – Primary VS Secondary

Finding out first-hand facts about your market and its consumers is the goal of primary research. It helps create your buyer profiles and market segmentation. Primary market research often belongs to one of two categories: exploratory research or focused study.

The data and public records you have available to conclude are all part of secondary research. Secondary research is especially beneficial for examining your rivals.

Types of Market Research

Types Of Market Research

Types Of Market Research


Face-to-face interactions are possible during interviews, so you may let the conversation flow naturally and keep an eye on your interviewee’s body language. Your interviewees can respond to self-reflection questions to aid in the creation of your buyer personas. These buyer personas outline the age, the number of children in the family, income level, profession, difficulties encountered at work, and other characteristics of your ideal customer’s lifestyle.

Focus Groups

Focus groups give you access to a select few people whom you may ask to test your product, see a demo, provide feedback, and/or answer specific questions. This type of market research can assist you in developing ideas for product differentiation, or the characteristics that distinguish your product from competing ones on the market.

Product Use Research

The use of the product or service can provide information on its features, as well as research on how and why your audience uses it. This type of market research also reveals how helpful the product or service is to your target market.

Observation-Based Research

With observation-based research, you can see how members of your target audience use your product or service to learn what functions well, what difficulties they encounter, and which features might be easier for them to use and understand.

Buyer Persona Research

Buyer persona research gives you a realistic view of your target market’s makeup, issues, reasons for wanting your product or service, needs for your brand and company, and more.

Market Segmentation Research

By using market segmentation research, you can divide your target market into various categories according to distinct traits. This will enable you to ascertain the most efficient strategies to suit their demands, comprehend their problems and expectations, discover their objectives, and more.

Pricing Research

Pricing analysis offers you an idea of what comparable goods and services in your market go for, what your target market is willing to pay and expects to pay, and what a reasonable price is for you to list your good or service at. You can define your price plan with the use of all of this information.

Competitive Analysis Research

Because they provide a thorough insight into the competition in your market and sector, competitive studies are quite useful. You may discover what’s working well in your sector, what your target market is already looking for in products similar to yours, which of your rivals you should strive to keep up with and outperform, and how you can differentiate yourself from the pack.

Research on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Understanding what would persuade current customers to do business with you again may be aided by research on customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study will teach you the best methods for fostering customer satisfaction.

Brand Awareness Research

Brand awareness research reveals what your target market is aware of and can associate with your brand. It reveals the associations that your target audience forms when thinking about your company and what they take you to stand for.

Campaign Research

Reviewing prior campaigns and gauging how well they were received by your target audience and current clients is campaign research. It takes experimentation followed by a careful examination of what connected and resonated with your audience to keep these factors in mind for your future campaigns and concentrate on the components of what you do that matter most to those people.

Steps for Market Research

Steps For Market Research

Steps For Market Research

Define your buyer persona

Your buyer personas will be useful in this situation. Buyer personas are fictional, generalized depictions of your ideal clients, also known as marketing personas. They aid in audience visualization, communication efficiency, and strategy development.

Identify a persona group to engage

You should include folks who recently made a purchase or actively chose not to make one in the group you want to engage. Start by concentrating on people who fit the bill for your customer persona when deciding who to hire for your market research. You want to hire customers who have bought your product, bought a product from a rival, or decided not to buy anything at all.

Preparation of Research Questions

Prepare research questions for your market research participants.

List your primary competitors 

Remember that identifying the competition isn’t always as straightforward as comparing Company X to Company Y. Even though a firm’s brand may focus more on another area, a division of that company occasionally may compete with your primary product or service.

Summarize your findings

Use your preferred presentation software to create a report to simplify the process. This will make it simple to add quotes, diagrams, or call clips. Your summary should include background information, participants, an executive summary, awareness, contemplation, a decision, and an action plan. The framework should assist you in creating this summary.

Magistral’s Market Research Services

Magistral Consulting offers a range of value-added services to support market research services. Magistral Consulting provides several services including:

-Customer Needs Analysis – Understanding the needs of the customers, defining the focus group and research.

-Customer Segmentation – Segmentation of customer group with effective targeting.

-Customer Journeys – Going over the Customer experience studies to analyze the aspects of customer satisfaction, taking in feedback surveys.

-Global Expansion – Market dynamics overseas, with the development of a market entry strategy.

-New Product Launch – Dipstick Survey which means analyzing the market response in different areas of study or research, explorative research to support the launch.

-Competitive Intelligence – Competitor tracking and analysis for understanding the key steps to get an edge in the market.

-Market Analysis – End market analysis and market forecasting to support the company in setting up goals and achieving them.

-Custom Research – Customized Research for specific business situations related to Sales or Marketing.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Marketing and Strategy Support.

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to


The activity of gathering and evaluating data on competing firms, industry trends, and consumer preferences to obtain a competitive edge in the market is known as competitive intelligence. It is a crucial component of business strategy since it aids organizations’ in comprehending the competitive environment and choosing how to position themselves inside it. Monitoring competitors’ offerings and pricing, keeping tabs on consumer trends and market dynamics, and examining media coverage and industry statistics are just a few of the activities that can be included in competitive intelligence. Companies can discover opportunities and challenges, create successful marketing and sales strategies, and make wise business decisions by acquiring and evaluating these data.

Using a range of business intelligence tools and strategies helps to acquire a complete view of the market. For instance, market research can offer insightful information about customer behavior and tastes, while financial analysis can assist companies in understanding the financial standing of their rivals. Combining these different strategies can result in a more thorough and complex understanding of the market and the competitive environment.

Types of Competitive Intelligence

There are several different types of competitive intelligence that businesses can use to inform their decision-making and stay ahead in a rapidly changing market:

-Strategic intelligence: This type of intelligence assists in strategic planning and decision-making by focusing on the long-term aims and objectives of the company.

-Tactical intelligence: It is a subset of general intelligence that focuses on urgent, short-term demands and supports daily decision-making and operations.

-Market intelligence: It is the collection of information about the market, such as consumption patterns and preferences, monetary situations, and regulatory developments.

-Financial intelligence: It entails obtaining and analyzing data regarding the financial performance and health of adversaries, including details regarding income, profitability, and debt.

-Product intelligence: It is the collection and analysis of data about the goods and services provided by opponents, including details on their costs, attributes, and performance.

-Competitive analysis: To spot opportunities and dangers, this sort of intelligence entails examining the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

Benefits of Competitive Intelligence

For firms, competitive intelligence has a variety of benefits, including:

Benefits of Competitive Intelligence

Benefits of Competitive Intelligence

Improved decision-making:

With competitive intelligence becoming increasingly important in today’s business landscape, companies must understand how to gather and analyze information about their competitors and the market. Companies can stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions that drive success by leveraging the right tools and techniques.

A recent survey found that 92% of companies believe competitive intelligence is important for their business, and 77% have a dedicated competitive intelligence function. With the global competitiveness expected to increase in the coming years, this trend is expected to continue.

Greater competitiveness:

Competitive intelligence can assist companies in identifying opportunities and risks in the market, enabling them to react to shifting conditions more effectively and maintain an advantage over rivals.

The benefits of competitive intelligence are clear. In a survey of over 400 businesses, 85% of respondents reported that competitive intelligence helped them make better business decisions, while 73% said it helped them stay ahead of the competition. In addition, 66% of respondents reported that competitive intelligence helped them identify new business opportunities, and 59% said it helped them avoid potential threats.

Reduced risk:

By being aware of the advantages and disadvantages of competitors and the market, firms can lessen the likelihood that they will make costly errors or misjudge the state of the market.

Improved reputation:

Companies can improve their reputation as thought leaders in their sector by keeping abreast of market trends and competitive activities.

Efficiency gains:

Companies can improve their overall performance and streamline their operations by using competitive intelligence to find best practices and efficiencies.

The Cycle of Competitive Intelligence

To make informed business judgments, the cycle of competitive intelligence refers to the procedure of gathering, examining, and sharing data about opponents and the market. The cycle typically consists of the following steps:

-Planning: Planning entails determining the precise information requirements of the company and creating a strategy for data collection and analysis.

-Collection: Data is collected from a variety of sources, such as social media, business reports, and public records.

-Analysis: Reviewing and evaluating the data to spot trends, opportunities, and potential dangers are the process of analysis.

-Dissemination: This process entails presenting the analysis’ conclusions and suggestions to the organization’s top decision-makers.

-Implementation: This entails incorporating the conclusions and suggestions into business planning and decision-making.

Competitive Intelligence Analysis with Porter’s Five Forces

Porter’s Five Forces is a framework created by Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter for analysing an industry’s competitive forces. The five forces are as follows:

Competitive Intelligence Analysis with Porter's Five Forces

Competitive Intelligence Analysis with Porter’s Five Forces

-The threat of new competitors: This refers to how easy it is for new businesses to enter the market and compete with established ones.

-The threat of substitute goods or services: This refers to the possibility of substitute goods or services to those provided by the current businesses.

-Buyer bargaining power: This refers to a buyer’s ability to negotiate lower prices or demand better terms and conditions from sellers.

-Supplier bargaining power: This refers to a supplier’s ability to negotiate higher prices or better terms and conditions with buyers.

-Rivalry among potential competitors: This describes how fiercely existing businesses in an industry compete with one another.

Magistral’s Services on Competitive Intelligence

Magistral gets insights into the competitive moves far better than the internal sources. These insights are fact-based and free of bias. Our CI services only recommend the strategies worth going for and not every fad the competition tries to follow. Sometimes the noise from the competition can be disturbing, and we help you differentiate the signal from the noise.

Some of the services that are associated with competitive intelligence that are offered by Magistral consulting are

-Bespoke Market and Competitive Intelligence Services: Our services are made to assist businesses in finding actionable insights that might provide them with a competitive advantage and help them make better decisions regarding their operations and plans. We offer insightful analysis and suggestions that can assist our clients in better managing the present market conditions and positioning themselves for success by utilizing our extensive understanding of markets, industries, and competitors.

-In-Depth Assessment Research Services: We can assist clients in comprehending the complexities and prospects of a particular market by utilizing our comprehensive research capabilities, enabling them to make wise decisions about where to allocate their resources.

-Ecosystem Monitoring and Information Provision: We provide timely and accurate information on the market through reports of our analysis.

-Opportunity Identification and Performance Metrics Frameworks: We help clients harness new opportunities faster.

-Customized Solutions in Niche Domains: We provide customized solutions for improved output.

-Flexible Working Models: At our company, we understand that everyone’s needs and circumstances are different. That’s why we offer a flexible working model that allows our employees to tailor their work schedules to meet their unique needs and preferences. This can include options such as working remotely, flexible start and end times, and the ability to take breaks as needed.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Marketing and Strategy Support.

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to


A marketing plan is built on thorough study and analysis, taking into account all the factors that may favorably or unfavorably affect the performance of your company. This study serves as the cornerstone of your overall marketing strategy and establishes the course for achieving your organization’s vision, mission, and financial objectives. It gives a general overview of the various marketing components that need to work together to create a successful company. It determines how to choose the best items, clients, rivals, distribution, pricing, and promotion strategies.

The Purpose of Marketing Strategy & its Importance

By developing a strategy, you can be confident that you’re appealing to the proper demographics with pertinent information. The more time you invest in developing a precise approach, the more sales possibilities you’ll generate. Simply put, a marketing strategy outlines your company’s objectives, including who your ideal clients are and how you plan to connect with them. It serves as your strategy and a general guide for the marketing actions you will take to expand your company over the coming months and years. Key reasons to have a marketing strategy

Purpose of Marketing Strategies

Purpose of Marketing Strategies

Direct interaction with the target audience 

Every company is skilled at promoting its goods and services while extolling its virtues. Unfortunately, your audience doesn’t want to hear that. They want to know what issues you can help them with and how your goods will improve their quality of life. You must first comprehend what’s happening in their world before you can explain this to them. And your marketing approach already includes this data. The likelihood of selling to your audience will rise if you can identify them and learn how to speak to them directly.

Consistent and relevant activities

The key to effective marketing is the effort put in consistent activities put out to give value to the brand and recognition. Wasted effort can be avoided by having a defined marketing plan. It guarantees that your budget is well-planned and distributed.

Money Saving 

Every bit of information you publish, from your strapline to the hashtags you use on Twitter, should be instantly recognizable as being associated with your brand. Additionally, it must interest and be pertinent to your clients and potential clients. It is feasible to achieve this using a marketing strategy. You know exactly how to interact with them and on which platforms since you’ve identified your audience and the issues that matter to them.

Set objectives and measure ROI 

Without a clear direction formed based on set objectives, the measurement of ROI may not be accurate. Therefore, defined objectives are important to keep track of progress toward the intended goal.

Usage as a reference point 

It’s hard to remember information to plan accordingly for projects, that’s where the marketing strategy comes into the picture. Even for new people coming on the project for tasks, the marketing strategy documentation can help them get aligned with the already established flow and so as a reference it can minimize any arising confusion. The strategy can help one identify new ideas and projects by checking how much in line it is with their organization’s vision.

Various types of Marketing Strategies

Over time, some key strategies have flourished in the industry while keeping in line with the change in the market. Different types of marketing strategies are:

Different Types of Marketing Strategies

Different Types of Marketing Strategies

Content Marketing

To change consumer behavior, content marketing prioritizes teaching over selling. This tactical marketing strategy employs content to draw in and convert qualified prospects while they conduct online searches. Relevant content is essential, focusing on the demands and pain points of particular buyer personas, leads, and/or buyer’s journey phases to draw in individuals who are most compatible with your offering and likely to acquire your goods or services.

Inbound Marketing

By far, inbound marketing is the most successful B2B marketing tactic. To increase website traffic and lead generation, it carefully places messaging in the appropriate locations at the appropriate times. Visitors thus feel like they are in charge of every aspect of the encounter.

Social Media Marketing

Providing consumers with the material they find valuable and want to share on their social networks is the main goal of social media marketing. Each social media network, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram, has specific content that is designed to encourage engagement and promote your company. This boosts your brand’s visibility, website traffic, and growth potential.

Search Engine Optimization

By concentrating on the keywords and phrases that potential customers use most frequently while searching online, search engine optimization (SEO) raises website awareness and traffic. The odds of prospects engaging with material created with a keyword approach are significantly higher than the limited possibility of them discovering it on their own. Through substantial audience and reach expansion through SEO, people are more likely to self-identify as being interested in your goods or services.

Search Engine Marketing/Pay-Per-Click

Companies can increase the amount of traffic to their websites by using search engine marketing, or SEM. Pay-per-click is one of the most often used SEM strategies (PPC). In essence, a business sponsors (buys) a link placement that shows up as an advertisement in search engine results (SERPs) or on particular social media platforms. The advertisement appears when a target audience visits a social media network or when search terms for their product or service are entered. As a literal “pay-per-click,” the business gives the search engine a tiny amount each time the ad is clicked.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Retargeting

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) uses highly personalized campaigns to pursue specific groups of B2B accounts. These campaigns may involve finding new contacts within distinct business units of organizations with which you already have relationships or locating organizations with similar, desirable business characteristics and directing key contacts to relevant content.

Earned Media and PR

Earned media can take the form of word-of-mouth recommendations, press mentions, backlinks, social media shares, by-lined articles you published to a trade publication, etc. Each one works well to raise brand recognition, site traffic, and conversion rates, but there are other options as well.

Email Marketing

By utilizing email marketing, you may inform readers about new blog posts, send newsletters, suggest new advanced content, and other emails to people who have chosen to receive them. The ease of email access promotes recipient engagement, and workflow automation makes it simpler than ever for marketers to deliver the appropriate material to prospects and clients at the appropriate time.

Industry Events

Industry events give businesses the ability to build or improve relationships with important partners, clients, and prospects, see market trends and possibilities and learn what products and services their rivals are putting forward.

Conversational Marketing

The user experience is greatly enhanced by personalized, pertinent engagement, which raises the possibility of receiving recommendations from pleased clients. Conversational marketing techniques reduce the length of time customers spend in the sales funnel for firms. Faster relationship building results in speedier conversions.

Magistral Services on Marketing Strategy

Our strategy and marketing support services enable our international clients to make confident strategic decisions based on well-researched insights. In a variety of business settings, we offer a “fresh-eye” viewpoint and unbiased opinions.

Our services help in

-Making an informed strategy on the back of credible data, analysis, and frameworks

-Tracking competition to make sure you are a step ahead of them

-Analyzing Customer and Market trends to fine-tune your Marketing Strategy

-Analyzing growth levers for business and identifying newer opportunities

Some of our Services to support your market strategy:

-Business Planning Support – Understanding the trends in the industry & providing research support.

-Trend Analysis – Tracking multiple ecosystems to identify unmistakable industry movements.

-Brand Research & Repositioning – In-depth research of the brand and its core market and repositioning as per the goal of the company.

-Digital Strategy – Development and implementation of key strategies over the digital side for support & growth.

-Customer Needs Analysis – Research to identify the focus groups and the potential explorative market.

-Customer Segmentation – Segmenting the customer base based on relevancy for effective targeting and positioning.

-Account Based Management – B2B Account Planning & management services.

-Global Expansion – Market dynamics understanding, strategy to enter the market for fruitful expansion.

-Acquisition – List the company while also creating profiles for them and doing the due diligence.

-Competitive Intelligence – Tracking and analysis of the competitors in the respective market.

-Market Analysis – End market analysis, market forecasting, and price and Gap analysis.

And many more services to support the marketing strategy for your business.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Marketing and Strategy Support.

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to


An Industry Report is a detailed analysis of a specific industry that includes a wealth of data, facts, and figures. There are two types of industry reports: private and public. The customers buy the prepared Industry reports, while some can be downloaded for free. The financial services industry is a large industry that caters to both individual and corporate financial requirements. The industry is made up of both large corporations and small businesses. The financial sector is an essential component of various Industrialized economies around the world, and it is critical to global economic development. The financial services sector will be worth $26.5 trillion by 2023, accounting for one-fourth of global GDP—the financial services industry profits from larger investments. When the business cycle is on the rise. When the economy improves, new capital projects and personal investments are likely to follow.

The financial services sector forms companies that sell financial services such as loans, investment management, insurance, brokerages, payments, and transferring money. The financial services industry is divided based on the companies’ business models that make up the industry. Most businesses fall into multiple categories.

Areas covered in Industry Reports for Financial Services

Areas covered in Industry Reports for Financial Services

Areas covered in Industry Reports for Financial Services

Loans and Payments

Organizations that sell lending and payment services, such as loans, payments, and money transfer services, are included in the loans and payments market. Banks and other financial service providers accept deposits and reimbursable payments as well as make loans. Providers compensate those who provide them with funds, which they then lend or invest to profit on the differences between what they give depositors and what they earn from borrowers. Providers enable payments to be transferred from payers to recipients and ease transactions and account settlement, using credit and debit cards, bank drafts such as checks, and electronic funds transfer.


-Insurance Providers-Direct insurers aggregate payments from individuals looking to cover risk and payout to those involved in covered personal or business-related catastrophes, such as a car accident or a shipwreck.

-Reinsurance Providers-They can be companies or wealthy individuals who offer to cover some of the risks that a direct insurer assumes in exchange for a fee.

-Insurance Brokers and Agents- Insurance intermediaries, including agencies and brokers, connect those who want to pay to cover risk with people prepared to take it on for a fee.


Wealth Management-

Wealth management is an investment advising service that integrates other financial services and meets high-net-worth individuals’ demands. The advisor obtains information about the client’s aspirations and personal situation through a consultative approach, then produces a tailored strategy that integrates a range of financial products and services. An integrated strategy is often used in wealth management. Numerous services might well be supplied to meet a client’s specific demands. While total wealth management service charges vary, they are often decided by the amount of money customer has with them.

Securities Brokerages and Stock Exchanges-

Individuals can use investing services to gain access to financial markets such as stocks and bonds. Brokers, who are either human or self-directed internet services, enable the buying and selling securities for a fee. Financial advisers may charge an annual fee depending on assets under management (AUM) and supervise various trades to build and manage a well-diversified portfolio. Robo-advisors are the latest financial advice and portfolio management iteration with automated algorithmic portfolio allocations and trade executions.

Investment Banking

Dealmakers and high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) are often the only people who work with an investment bank—not the public. These institutions underwrite transactions, provide access to capital markets, provide wealth management and tax advice, aid corporations with mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and make stock and bond trading easier. This market also includes financial counselors and cheap brokerages. 

Major Components in Industry Reports for Financial Services

The following are usually found in industry reports for financial services:

-Industry definition

-Major industry players

-Market share

-Historical and current trends

-Employment statistics

-SWOT analysis



Latest trends found in Industry Reports for Financial services

Aside from the obvious concerns, there are a few financial services industry trends to keep an eye on. Consumer behavior is shifting, and financial services companies must adapt, or risk being left behind.

Latest trends in Industry Reports for Financial Services

Latest trends in Industry Reports for Financial Services

Digital Transformation

The financial sector, which always relied on paper documents, has changed in recent years. The way firms work is dramatically altering because of digital transformation. As a result, investors can now use their cellphones to track the success of their portfolios in real-time and buy shares with a single tap. Because digitization has become the new normal, businesses can no longer be profitable if they keep the current quo. Instead, they will have to put money into a digital transformation plan.

Explosion of Fintech

The rapid growth of fintech startups has helped customers significantly while forcing proven financial institutions to rethink their business models. Companies have revolutionized the way individuals pay for goods and services. Apps that use AI to improve earnings while streamlining the corporate loan process are being used. Customers may manage their money, trade cryptocurrency, send money to friends, and donate to influential social organizations using a digital bank with a powerful app. The traditional financial institutions will have to figure out how to provide similar benefits to their customers as new fintech companies develop.

Democratization of Investing

When it comes to investing, several apps have lowered the bar. Individuals can now buy whole or partial shares in their favorite companies for a low or no fee. Setting up automated stock that buys any time people visit their favorite stores and for a Robo-investor to invest in firms and mutual funds depending on the risk tolerance has been made possible now. Due to this, traditional investing firms have faced considerable challenges while also from mass communication sites like Reddit and Discord. Financial advisors and investment businesses must differentiate themselves and prove their worth to succeed.

Utilizing Big Data

Financial organizations generate massive volumes of data, but the data is useless without a robust engine to organize it. Fintech software enables businesses to get actionable insights from big data. More organizations are expected to mine their data to improve customer service while increasing earnings.

More Open Banking Apps

Open banking is an API approach that allows financial institutions to securely exchange client data with other businesses. In recent years, many apps have sprung up that use open banking to provide unique services to clients. An app that scans transactions to watch subscriptions and bills while automatically saving a specific amount each month and a conversational chat app that uses artificial intelligence to help manage the budget is also being used.

Magistral’s Industry Reports for Financial Services

Magistral’s Industry reports for financial services typically include graphs, charts, tables, and written commentary. Even non-professionals can gain an understanding of the sector because of this. The financial services sector is the engine that propels a country’s economy forward. It allows capital and liquidity to flow freely in the market. The economy expands when the sector is robust, and businesses in this area are better prepared to manage risk. The financial services sector’s strength is also vital for the prosperity of the country’s population. Consumers earn more when the industry and economy are robust, increasing their self-assurance and buying power.

 About Magistral consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family OfficesInvestment BanksAsset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE fundsCorporates and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is in Deal originationDeal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial ModelingPortfolio Management , and Equity Research.

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit

About the Author

The article is Authored by Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to

A Brief Introduction

Consumer and market insight report and analyze consumer behavior, information, and feedback. The comprehension and analysis of these insights assist adjustments to customer support systems and business development. Companies collect feedback using customer surveys, statistics, reviews, and focus groups to understand the underlying attitudes underlying consumer behavior and decision-making processes.

There is no formal definition of consumer and market insight, but it may be summed up as any measurement that can be utilized to observe and understand what customers think and feel. It might be their eye movements when viewing your page, how long they spend on it, how much they order, which options they choose, etc.; the list is endless. While certain information may be utilized alone to make a specific determination, marketers often use a variety of consumer insights to make their decisions.

Consumer marketing insights are also crucial when testing new initiatives within your company. You may learn from consumer insights how placement on the page, product details, SEO, and many other aspects affect your sales. Businesses employ consumer insights to understand their audience’s thoughts and feelings more deeply. Companies may better understand their customers’ needs and wants, and, more crucially, the reasons behind those needs and wants, by studying human behavior, which is likely to boost revenue and brand value thus.

Sector concentrating the more spending on market research 2020, by sector

Sector concentrating the more spending on market research 2020, by sector

Consumers today have virtually limitless store options and complete freedom over how they assess and interact with media and companies. In the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, research has revealed that 81 % of consumers would continue reorganizing their spending this year, while 46 % of customers have experienced new expenditure restraints.

Benefits of Consumer and Market Insight

Consumer and market insight has the power to create or destroy a marketing plan. This dependency on data monitoring has only increased across all businesses considering the COVID-19 outbreak. Businesses and consumers are switching to a digital-dominant strategy enabling more precise insight measurement. Consumer insight may help determine the characteristics your consumers are seeking and find demands that your rivals are still not meeting. Social media and search engine trends might be helpful in this regard. To stay informed about what your target audience is searching for, you may set up alerts for movements and rivals.

This takes us to a further advantage of consumer insights: They provide a detailed picture of how you may compare your company to others’ businesses in ways other than sales and revenue. You can see how you compare to your rivals on various business-related terms regarding search engine rankings. 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. 3/4 will switch if the customer doesn’t like the experience, so it’s vital to keep care of the customer experience.

Build effective category strategies that increase sales and promote sustainable growth by utilizing solid, impartial, and contextualized insights. Make quick judgments based on proactive information and forward-looking insights to stay one step ahead of the competition. Data and information make it easy to mitigate risk and identify strategic priorities.

How to get Consumer and Market Insight

Utilize social media analytics

According to a research survey, only 1.9 % of marketing executives said their businesses have the skills to use marketing analytics. With the popularity of social media as a tool for marketing, companies may communicate directly with their customers and discover their precise attitudes and responses to their offerings. Nowadays, many social media platforms have survey and questionnaire tools that can also give valuable information about consumer attitudes or behaviors. YouTube analytics, google trend and analytics, and google audience retention tools are the best source of collecting marketing insight.

Getting Consumer and Market Insight

Getting Consumer and Market Insight

Conduct surveys

Getting direct customer input is a terrific method to learn about the industry. Many businesses opt to do this by sending out feedback forms as soon as a client connects with or purchases their product or service. They may follow up later to obtain a more comprehensive customer experience analysis.

Access to public data

Because of the internet, businesses now have access to an infinite quantity of data, much of which is public information. When deciding on their marketing strategies, companies might utilize information about consumer buying patterns, financial situations, and the condition of their respective industries or economies.

Conduct market research

Focus groups are typically gathered as part of market research, a traditional method for businesses to collect data for market insights. These test subjects’ responses might offer valuable information about how the broader public might react to a particular product, service, or marketing campaign.

Customer feedback

Asking clients for feedback is one of the simplest methods to obtain consumer insights. However, there is a need for this. To guarantee that their customers feel comfortable sharing, brands must develop trust.

The impact of global consumers has changed

The transition of consumers to digital has increased significantly. Gen Z customers have created applications to discover extra food and purchase more goods online. People are preferably buying more on online sales or in big billion deals.

73% of Indian consumers return the product after shipment, so the company’s return policy should be easy to attract the customer and create trust. Myntra had 8 million orders during its end-of-reason sale in which 5 million buyers bought 4,636 brands. In the sale, 10 shirts were sold every second, 3 pairs of jeans were sold every second, and 17 sarees were sold every second, which signifies consumer behavior. Sales influence consumer behavior, those not in need also buy something.

44 % were undecided or made three or more assertions that they disagree with near shopping sustainability. A 23 % rise in expenditure across six or more categories was forecast by consumers worldwide. In the six months starting in April 2021 and concluding in September, 24 % of consumers worldwide do not anticipate increasing their expenditure in any category.

How to use Consumer and Market Insight

Set your goal

A list of questions and objectives is often where research starts. Determine the data type needed to finish your analysis before asking for input. Data on consumer demographics, corporate reputation, brand awareness, product issues, market rivals, and customer service initiatives may be included in the objectives for consumer insights.

Choose the research methodology

The research techniques you choose will depend on the information and results you are looking for. Data on consumer demographics and public relations may be found through focus groups and customer surveys. In customer evaluations and surveys, suggestions, and issues with goods, features, and customer service may come up. Pick the best approach to serve your research’s objectives and produce the most satisfactory outcomes.

Conduct research

Install data gathering technologies to compile information from sales processes and website visits or assemble participants and ask them to share their perspectives. Customers who respond to surveys and provide feedback frequently receive rewards from businesses. To gather information for analysis and determine consumer happiness, solicit and record consumer insights.

Analyze the result

You may find and visualize common issues, trends, and causes that arise among your customers by analyzing the outcomes of the data you collected. Create a graph or written report to summarize customer data and examine patterns like demographics, consumer behaviors, and product issues. Improvements and modifications that address frequent difficulties and feedback can be made using knowledge of the reasons and reactions that occur most frequently.

Apply changes

Consumer insight and market research are primarily used to develop and improve products that better fulfill the demands of consumers. Product development and marketing teams build solutions and work to answer customer complaints after collecting and evaluating the data. The organization’s understanding of customer service is demonstrated using these enhancements.

Why Magistral Consulting?

-Customer insight: Utilize tools like social media sentiment analysis, U&A insights, N.P.S. tracking, bespoke surveys, and more to stay current on consumer trends, requirements, and purchasing patterns to identify focus areas and create successful marketing plans.

-Market expansion: Receive timely, essential insights and evaluations of markets and regions to aid in partner selection, local market intelligence, understanding of shifting legal and regulatory environments, and developing successful ready strategies.

-Updated information: Proactively updates on recent and pertinent developments in your markets and categories will help you find new opportunities for innovation and growth.

-Expert insight: A comprehensive understanding of your company’s possibilities and difficulties by combining data from internal, external, and third parties. We have expertly selected insights on markets, categories, rivals, and consumers to assist your commercial and marketing teams in making more informed strategic decisions.

-Custom tools: You may create world-class category growth strategies fast and easily using pre-built templates and unique tools.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple companies to reduce operations costs through its offerings in Procurement and Supply Chain.

About the Author

The article is Authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you could reach out to