Tag Archives: Real Estate Fund Accounting


In the fast-paced realm of modern business, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have emerged as essential strategies for companies seeking to expand, consolidate, or diversify. Amidst the intricate processes inherent in M&A transactions, accounting firms assume a central position, offering vital expertise and guidance. This article aims to explore the multifaceted contributions of such firms in facilitating successful mergers and acquisitions, shedding light on their pivotal involvement across various phases of the journey.

Due Diligence: The Foundation of Informed Decision-Making

In the realm of business, few endeavors match the significance and intricacy of due diligence. Whether in mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, or investments, due diligence stands as the foundation of informed decision-making. It encompasses comprehensive investigation, meticulous examination, and careful scrutiny, laying the groundwork for successful ventures.

Comprehensive Financial Analysis

CPA Firms meticulously scrutinize the financial records of target companies, conducting thorough examinations of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. This detailed analysis provides acquirers with valuable insights into the financial health and performance trajectory of the targets.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

In addition to financial analysis, these firms conduct exhaustive assessments to identify potential risks associated with target companies, including legal liabilities, regulatory compliance issues, operational challenges, and market fluctuations. By quantifying and evaluating these risks, firms empower acquirers to develop effective strategies for risk mitigation, thereby safeguarding their investments and ensuring a smooth post-acquisition transition.

Valuation Expertise and Fair Value Determination

Leveraging their proficiency in financial modeling and valuation methodologies, accounting firms play a crucial role in determining the fair value of target entities. Through meticulous analysis, including discounted cash flow and comparable company assessments, they provide acquirers with a clear understanding of the intrinsic value of the targets, facilitating fair and equitable negotiations.

Regulatory Compliance: Navigating Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

In the intricate landscape of modern business, regulatory compliance stands as a fundamental pillar upon which organizations build their operations. From startups to multinational corporations, adherence to legal and regulatory frameworks is non-negotiable.

Adherence to CPA Standards and Regulations

CPA Firms guide acquirers through the complex landscape of CPA standards, including Generally Accepted CPA Principles (GAAP) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). By meticulously reviewing financial statements and CPA practices, firms ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, promoting transparency and integrity in financial reporting.

Tax Optimization Strategies

Recognizing the significant tax implications inherent in M&A transactions, accounting firms develop tax-efficient structures and strategies to minimize tax liabilities and optimize post-transaction value. This involves a comprehensive understanding of tax laws, regulations, and incentives, enabling them to navigate the complexities of tax planning effectively, thereby enhancing financial outcomes and preserving shareholder value.

Regulatory Due Diligence and Compliance Audits

Accounting firms conduct thorough reviews of regulatory filings, compliance documentation, and legal agreements to verify adherence to industry-specific regulations and legal mandates. By meticulously scrutinizing regulatory landscapes, they enable acquirers to address compliance gaps proactively, mitigating the risk of regulatory penalties or legal disputes.

Financial Integration: Harmonizing Operations and Systems

In the dynamic world of business, mergers, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships have become commonplace strategies for growth and expansion. However, the success of such endeavors hinges greatly on how well the financial aspects of the involved entities are integrated. Financial integration, therefore, plays a critical role in harmonizing operations and systems to ensure a smooth transition and optimal performance post-transaction.

Financial Integration of CPA Firms and M&A

Financial Integration of CPA Firms and M&A

Alignment of CPA Policies and Procedures

Following acquisitions, firms collaborate with management teams to harmonize CPA policies, chart of accounts, and financial reporting practices across acquiring and target entities. This alignment ensures seamless integration of financial systems, facilitating accurate and consolidated financial reporting.

Post-Merger Integration Planning and Execution

CPA Firms play a pivotal role in developing comprehensive integration plans, outlining key milestones, responsibilities, and timelines for post-merger integration activities. From aligning organizational structures and workflows to integrating IT systems and databases, they work closely with management teams to ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruptions to business operations.

Performance Measurement and Synergy Tracking

Through the establishment of performance metrics and benchmarks, these firms enable acquirers to monitor the progress of integration efforts and track the realization of synergies. By defining clear objectives and KPIs, they help management teams assess the effectiveness of integration initiatives, identifying areas for improvement and optimization.

Risk Management: Mitigating Operational and Financial Risks

In the realm of business, uncertainty is an ever-present element that can profoundly affect the prosperity and longevity of an organization. From operational disturbances to financial unpredictability and unforeseen occurrences, businesses encounter diverse risks that can endanger their goals and financial viability. Consequently, adept risk management becomes imperative to recognize, evaluate, and alleviate these risks, thereby ensuring the continuity of business operations and financial equilibrium.

Identification of Operational Risks and Control Weaknesses

CPA Firms conduct comprehensive assessments of operational processes, internal controls, and risk management frameworks to identify potential vulnerabilities and control weaknesses. By evaluating the effectiveness of existing controls and procedures, they assist acquirers in mitigating operational risks and strengthening internal control environments, enhancing the overall resilience of the combined entity.

Implementation of Robust Internal Control Frameworks

Building upon the findings of their risk assessments, CPA Firms assist acquirers in implementing robust internal control frameworks tailored to the needs and complexities of the combined entity. From segregation of duties to access controls and risk monitoring mechanisms, they help establish a culture of accountability and transparency, reducing the likelihood of fraud, errors, or compliance breaches.

Contingency Planning and Risk Mitigation Strategies

Anticipating potential challenges and contingencies, these firms collaborate with management teams to develop comprehensive contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies. By identifying alternative courses of action and preemptively addressing potential risks, they help acquirers navigate uncertainties and safeguard their investment against adverse events.

Empowering CPA Firms: Magistral Consulting’s Tailored Solutions

Magistral Consulting stands out as a premier advisor, specializing in services designed to elevate Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firms. Through collaborative strategies and client-centric approaches, Magistral Consulting aims to enhance the performance and capabilities.

Magistral's services for CPA firms

Magistral’s services for CPA firms

Strategic Growth Planning

Magistral Consulting works closely with CPA Firms to craft clear strategic visions aligned with long-term goals and market dynamics. Through in-depth analyses of internal strengths and external opportunities, Magistral Consulting assists them in formulating actionable strategies for sustainable growth and competitive advantage. Leveraging market insights, Magistral Consulting identifies growth opportunities and expansion paths. Whether entering new markets, diversifying services, or targeting specific clientele, Magistral Consulting tailors’ strategies to enhance market presence and revenue streams.

Operational Efficiency Enhancement

Magistral Consulting assesses operational workflows within these firms to pinpoint inefficiencies and streamline processes. By implementing automation solutions and streamlining workflows, Magistral Consulting boosts productivity and reduces operational costs. Magistral Consulting supports firms in adopting state-of-the-art technologies such as cloud-based accounting software and data analytics tools. Embracing technology enables them to enhance efficiency and elevate client service delivery.

Talent Development and Training

Magistral Consulting offers tailored training initiatives covering technical competencies, soft skills, and leadership development tailored to the specific needs of these firms. Collaborating with them, Magistral Consulting facilitates the development of succession plans to groom future leaders and ensure seamless transitions.

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management

Magistral Consulting provides expert advice on regulatory compliance, assisting CPA firms in interpreting new regulations and implementing compliance measures effectively. Magistral Consulting conducts thorough risk assessments and devises proactive strategies to mitigate vulnerabilities and strengthen resilience, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate regulatory challenges and operational risks.

CPA firms bring essential financial expertise to M&A transactions, conducting thorough due diligence, risk assessments, and financial analyses that are crucial for informed decision-making.

CPA firms guide acquirers through complex regulatory landscapes, ensuring adherence to accounting standards, tax laws, and industry-specific regulations to mitigate legal risks.

CPA firms collaborate with management teams to harmonize accounting policies, financial reporting practices, and operational workflows across acquiring and target entities, facilitating seamless integration.

CPA firms conduct comprehensive risk assessments, identify operational vulnerabilities, and develop proactive strategies to mitigate risks, safeguarding the interests of acquirers and preserving shareholder value.

Yes, CPA firms offer tailored training programs covering technical competencies, soft skills, and leadership development to enhance the capabilities of these firms engaged in M&A transactions, ensuring they are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the process.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices, Investment Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE funds, Corporates, and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal origination, Deal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial Modelling, Portfolio Management, and Equity Research

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you can reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com


In the swiftly moving realm of finance, where accuracy and transparency reign supreme, the roles of fund administration and accounting are of utmost significance. These roles are vital for ensuring the seamless operation and reliability of investment funds spanning various asset classes. This article endeavors to delve into the intricacies of fund administration and accounting, elucidating their importance, processes, challenges, and optimal strategies.

Fund Administration: Facilitating Operational Efficiency

Fund administration encompasses a diverse array of tasks aimed at facilitating the efficient operation of investment funds. From ensuring compliance with regulations to nurturing investor relationships, fund administrators play a central role in maintaining operational efficiency. Here are some pivotal aspects of fund administration:

Fund Administration: Facilitating Operational Efficiency

Fund Administration: Facilitating Operational Efficiency

NAV Computation

At the core of fund administration lies the computation of Net Asset Value (NAV). This metric signifies the per-share value of a fund’s assets after the deduction of its liabilities and is typically calculated at regular intervals, often daily. Precise NAV calculation is imperative for both investors and regulators, serving as a pivotal performance indicator for the fund.

Compliance and Regulatory Oversight

Managing compliance and regulatory oversight is a crucial responsibility for fund administrators. They are entrusted with the task of ensuring adherence to regulations stipulated by governing bodies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. This involves meticulous record-keeping, reporting, and implementation of internal controls to mitigate risks and uphold regulatory standards.

Investor Relations and Service

Fund administrators serve as intermediaries between investment funds and their investors, fostering robust relationships and providing exemplary service. They address investor inquiries, facilitate subscriptions and redemptions, and maintain accurate records. By delivering seamless investor service, fund administrators cultivate trust and confidence in the fund, nurturing enduring relationships with investors.

Fund Accounting: Ensuring Precision in Financial Reporting

Fund accounting serves as the bedrock of financial reporting for investment funds, encompassing specialized processes tailored to fund structures. Here are some key facets of fund accounting:

Fund Accounting: Ensuring Precision in Financial Reporting

Fund Accounting: Ensuring Precision in Financial Reporting

Portfolio Valuation

Fund accountants are tasked with valuing the diverse range of assets held within the fund’s portfolio, spanning equities, fixed-income securities, derivatives, and alternative investments. Valuation methodologies must conform to industry standards and regulatory guidelines to ensure accuracy and transparency in financial reporting.

Expense Management and Allocation

Efficient expense management is imperative for optimizing fund performance and ensuring equitable treatment of investors. Fund accountants meticulously track and allocate expenses such as management fees, custodian fees, and administrative costs by the fund’s governing documents and regulatory requirements. Transparent expense allocation fosters investor confidence and bolsters overall fund governance.

Financial Reporting and Transparency

Fund accountants prepare comprehensive financial statements that offer stakeholders a clear insight into the fund’s financial position and performance. These statements encompass the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows, meticulously crafted to adhere to accounting standards and regulatory mandates. Transparent financial reporting enhances investor trust and facilitates informed decision-making by fund managers and stakeholders.

Risk Mitigation and Regulatory Compliance

Apart from portfolio valuation, expense management, and financial reporting, fund accounting also involves risk mitigation and regulatory compliance. Fund accountants play a pivotal role in recognizing and reducing risks linked with investment activities, and guaranteeing compliance with regulatory standards and internal protocols. Through the implementation of strong risk management strategies and adherence to regulations, fund accountants bolster the overall stability and credibility of investment funds.

Challenges and Considerations in Fund Administration and Accounting

Despite their pivotal role, fund administration and accounting encounter diverse challenges in today’s dynamic financial landscape:

Regulatory Complexity and Compliance Burden

The regulatory environment governing investment funds is characterized by its complexity and continual evolution. Fund administrators and accountants must navigate a labyrinth of regulatory requirements, spanning reporting obligations to compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations. Remaining abreast of regulatory changes and implementing robust compliance frameworks is essential to mitigate regulatory risks.

Data Management and Technological Integration

The exponential growth of data poses significant challenges for fund administrators and accountants, necessitating robust data management systems and technological solutions. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and blockchain can streamline processes, enhance data accuracy, and mitigate operational risks. However, integrating these technologies necessitates careful planning and investment in infrastructure and talent.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Optimization

In an increasingly competitive landscape, fund administrators and accountants face pressure to enhance operational efficiency and optimize costs. Streamlining processes, automating routine tasks, and leveraging economies of scale through outsourcing are strategies employed to achieve operational excellence while containing costs. However, striking the right balance between efficiency gains and cost containment necessitates careful consideration of organizational priorities and strategic objectives.

Emerging Trends and Best Practices

In response to evolving market dynamics and technological advancements, fund administrators and accountants are embracing innovative trends and best practices:

Digital Transformation and Automation

The digitization of fund administration and accounting processes is revolutionizing the industry, enabling greater efficiency, accuracy, and scalability. Robotic Process Automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud-based solutions are being leveraged to automate routine tasks such as NAV calculation, reconciliation, and reporting, freeing up resources for higher-value activities.

ESG Integration and Sustainable Investing

ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors are influencing fund management strategies and investment choices more and more. In response to investor demand for sustainable and ethical investing, fund administrators and accountants are incorporating ESG issues into their reporting systems and investment analysis. Funds can reduce long-term risks related to environmental and social variables and attract more socially conscious investors by adhering to ESG standards.

Outsourcing and Strategic Partnerships

In order to concentrate on their core skills, a growing number of fund managers are outsourcing non-essential tasks to specialized service providers, such as accountancy and fund administration. Businesses can obtain specialized knowledge, scalable infrastructure, and cost savings through outsourcing, which also lowers operating expenses and lowers compliance risks. Establishing strategic alliances with dependable service providers can improve operational resilience and agility, allowing businesses to more effectively adjust to shifting market conditions and regulatory demands.

Magistral’s Services on Comprehensive Fund Administration and Accounting Support

In the complex realm of finance, where accuracy and openness are essential, Magistral Consulting shines as a symbol of quality, providing thorough fund administration and accounting services customized to the specific requirements of investment funds. Committed to integrity, effectiveness, and client contentment, Magistral Consulting provides precise financial management solutions that enable clients to navigate the intricacies of the investment world with assurance and simplicity.

Fund Administration Expertise Unveiled

Our team specializes in providing fund administration services, leveraging a profound understanding of regulatory requirements and industry standards. From Net Asset Value (NAV) calculation to ensuring compliance and managing investor relations, we guarantee seamless operational efficiency for investment funds of all types and sizes.

Reliable Financial Reporting with Fund Accounting Solutions

Our fund accounting services are renowned for their precision and dependability. By utilizing advanced technologies and adhering strictly to accounting standards, we furnish accurate portfolio valuations, transparent expense management, and comprehensive financial reporting. Our focus on clarity and transparency empowers clients to make well-informed decisions and maintain trust among investors.

Tailored Solutions and Personalized Support

What sets us apart is our commitment to understanding the unique requirements of each client. Through personalized consultations and bespoke solutions, we ensure that every client receives the tailored attention and support they need. Whether it involves navigating regulatory intricacies or optimizing operational effectiveness, our dedication is to surpassing expectations.

Innovative Strategies for Today’s Challenges

In addressing contemporary challenges, we employ innovative strategies that prioritize staying ahead of the curve. Through the integration of automation, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology, we streamline operations, enhance data accuracy, and minimize operational risks. By embracing a forward-thinking approach, we empower clients to navigate evolving market dynamics and seize emerging growth prospects.

The Future of Fund Administration and Accounting

The trajectory of fund administration and accounting is set for innovation and evolution as the financial landscape progresses:

Enhanced Regulatory Oversight and Transparency

Regulators are anticipated to heighten their supervision of investment funds, emphasizing the augmentation of transparency, investor safeguarding, and systemic resilience. This may involve regulatory enhancements such as elevated reporting obligations, more rigorous compliance criteria, and heightened scrutiny of fund governance frameworks. Fund administrators and accountants will be required to adjust to evolving regulatory directives and harness technology to bolster transparency and adherence to regulations.

Adoption of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology

Increased efficiency, security, and transparency offered by distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain can totally change accounting and fund administration processes. Fund administrators and accountants can use blockchain-based solutions for record-keeping, settlement, and transaction processing to increase data quality, streamline operations, and reduce fraud risks. However, for blockchain technology to become extensively used, industry stakeholders’ collaboration and governmental clearance are required.

Focus on Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

Amidst the proliferation of digital technologies and interconnected systems, cybersecurity and data privacy have risen to the forefront for fund administrators and accountants. Preserving the confidentiality of sensitive financial data, fortifying defenses against cyber threats, and adhering to data privacy regulations are essential focal points. It’s imperative to invest in robust cybersecurity measures, conduct routine audits, and implement data encryption protocols to effectively mitigate cyber risks and uphold investor confidence.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices, Investment Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE funds, Corporates, and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal origination, Deal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial Modelling, Portfolio Management, and Equity Research

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you can reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com

Introduction to Real Estate Financial Research

Real Estate is considered one of the golden investments that are pretty safe from the vicissitudes of financial markets. Everyone can’t own a piece of cash-generating real estate as it requires massive investments. That is why various real estate-based financial instruments help investors get a pie of the Real Estate market and enjoy the share of the returns.

At the same time, the Real Estate market requires comprehensive research to ascertain the quality of assets, to be successful. Real Estate finance is even more tricky.

Magistral Consulting specializes in operations’ outsourcing for Asset Management players specializing in RE across the globe. Our clientele comprises the following types of RE Financial players

Magistral Services for Real Estate

Magistral’s services for Real Estate

Real Estate Private Equity: It’s a form of Private Equity which has an underlying asset in the form of RE or RE based stocks. Players choose their area of expertise depending on the specialization of partners or picking up an asset class that is growing rapidly. Multiple forms here can be elders’ living, self-storage, infrastructure, redevelopment funds, renewable energy-based infrastructure, meth farming lands, or several other types of residential and commercial Real Estate.  The Private Equity fund invests in the RE stocks, REIT stocks, or RE ETF and gives returns in the form of dividend or capital appreciation.  There are also multiple RE based hedge funds too on similar lines.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT): These funds are invested more directly in RE as compared to Real Estate Private Equity. After buying the Real Estate, these funds actively manage the asset for maintenance and rental collections and yields. They then distribute their earnings in the form of dividends to their investors. REIT stocks are also traded bringing in capital appreciation or profits from trading. Many investors including RE Private Equity apart from Investment Banks and other Financial institutions buy into REIT stocks.

Real Estate Owners/ Developers: These are the direct owners of the Real Estate or developers of the properties. They may have land and may look for funds from investors to develop it and then distribute the profits accordingly.

Real Estate Consultants/Real Estate Brokers: Like the Real Estate owners, property consultants and brokers may also have interests in collaborations for development and fund-raising.

Magistral Consulting services cover the full range of operational support for all types of players in the Real Estate finance business. Here are our lines of services offerings:

Real Estate Fund Raising and Exits

These assignments are taken on a retainer basis. It includes all the operations’ support that is required for fundraising. This includes services like Identifying Limited Partners that may invest in a given asset, funding strategy, funding environment analysis, pitch deck, investor committee presentations, equity waterfall analysis, and several other similar assignments to close the funding round as soon as possible.

Real Estate Pre Deal Support

The service is related to document and operational support before a deal. This includes preparing investment memorandums, financial modeling that finds out the Real Estate valuations and returns, market analysis, property profiling, data, and data rooms’ management. Real Estate due diligence is also performed under this bouquet of services

Real Estate Deal Structuring

These are the services offered during the RE deal. This includes Real Estate modeling, rent rolls analysis, rental comps, equity waterfalls, funding requirement analysis, and investor committee memorandums

Real Estate Portfolio Management

This includes services like board updates, occupancy and yield trackers, Real Estate yields, REIT dividend calculations, tracking real estate fund indices, rent roll analysis, expenses and budgets, Real Estate Fund Accounting, fund administration, and accounting, fund fee structures, and portfolio dashboards.

Advantages of Operations’ Outsourcing for a Real Estate firm

There are multiple advantages of outsourcing for a Real Estate based investment firm or an Asset Manager

Advantages of Outsourcing

Advantages of Outsourcing for a Real Estate Based Asset Management firm

Everything in-house will bring down your pace of growth: For any organization, whether it’s a REIT, RE Private Equity, or a RE based Asset Manager, growth is good news. But it also brings with it, huge uncertainties in terms of cash flow. Outsourcing here acts as a temporary patch. You get the project, you outsource it till the client stabilizes, and then decide what to keep in-house and what to outsource. It brings down the cash flow risks dramatically. Outsourcing keeps pace with your project flow and you don’t wait for months for the new associates to join you.

Quality concerns around outsourcing are unfounded:  Another factor that is sighted against outsourcing is quality concerns. Some of the biggest Real Estate players have outsourced their operations to low-cost countries like India. We also encourage clients to have low-cost pilots to ascertain quality before deciding on a larger scope of work to be outsourced.

Unmistakable advantages in terms of costs: The complete business case of outsourcing is usually built around saving costs, and it is very easy to understand the advantages here. Depending on your location in the US, Europe, the UK, or Australia, outsourced analysts are cheaper in tune to 30% to 80% of the costs of onsite analysts. There are further savings in terms of lower supervision time, costs of databases, skill bandwidth of the whole outsourced team as compared to a few onsite analysts, and the flexibility with which new resources could be added or removed

If you are small, you can’t do without outsourcing: It is understood that outsourcing will bring mighty savings on top of the headcounts in thousands. Though that is correct, there are immense benefits for small setups too. A small set up sometime may miss some of the critical skills that bigger Real Estate players have.

Assignments move at double the pace: Outsourced team acts as an extended team to the onsite team. With time zone differences, it is like the combined team is moving at double the pace working in the day and the night as well. So an assignment that would have taken 30 days to complete may see itself being finished in 15 days. Agility does have value in the marketplace.

No exit barriers from contracts: If you are not happy with the quality, timeliness, and responsiveness or have any other issues with your own business or the quality of services, the contracts have a swift exit clause. You can terminate the contract with a few days’ notice.

Competitive pressures regarding outsourcing: Real Estate Financial services are increasingly outsourcing their operations. It gives them an immense advantage in terms of costs and hence pricing their services to their clients. Someone who is doing everything in-house will be costlier without adding any additional value to the client. Competitive intensity regarding outsourcing is huge, and it may force everyone to outsource at some point. Early movers may rope in significant rewards though.

Hiring an individual Vs. Hiring a team: When you outsource, you don’t hire a single individual, you also hire the expertise of a team that is working across the various RE players for years. This means an international standard quality being delivered on day 1 as compared to months for an onsite hire.

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple RE firms in outsourcing their operations to build in significant cost savings. To drop an inquiry get in touch

About Magistral

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family OfficesInvestment BanksAsset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE fundsCorporates and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal originationDeal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial ModelingPortfolio Management and Equity Research

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The Author, Prabhash Choudhary is the CEO of Magistral Consulting and can be reached at Prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsutling.com for any queries or business inquiries.