Tag Archives: Financial Modeling for Private Equity

Private Equity Trends: A Driving Force in Global Finance

Private equity is an immense force that drives investment strategies, fosters innovation, and shapes economic landscapes within the complex web of global finance. Looking ahead to the first quarter of 2024, it is critical to analyze the current trends, obstacles, and possibilities in the private equity space.

The Resilience of Private Equity Trends Amidst Global Uncertainty

The enduring strength of private equity trends stands as a testament to the industry’s remarkable capacity to adjust and flourish amidst worldwide uncertainty. This resilience owes itself to various factors, all of which contribute significantly to fortifying private equity firms against economic turbulence and market instabilities.

Diversification Strategies

Private equity firms have proactively pursued diversification strategies in Q1 2024, recognizing the importance of spreading investment risks across a spectrum of industries and geographic regions. By diversifying their investment portfolios, private equity firms aim to mitigate the impact of sector-specific downturns and geographical vulnerabilities. For instance, while traditional sectors such as hospitality and retail may face challenges due to economic headwinds, investments in resilient sectors like healthcare, technology, and renewable energy offer avenues for sustained growth and value creation.

Moreover, geographical diversification enables private equity firms to capitalize on emerging market opportunities while hedging against geopolitical risks and regulatory uncertainties in established markets. By expanding their presence across diverse regions, private equity investors can harness the potential of high-growth economies in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, offsetting sluggish growth in mature markets.

Flexibility in Deal Structures

In response to market uncertainties and evolving investor preferences, private equity investors have embraced flexibility in deal structures, eschewing conventional approaches in favor of innovative solutions tailored to specific investment opportunities. Private equity trends have seen firms which have increasingly adopted minority investments, convertible securities, and structured exits to optimize risk-return profiles and enhance investment liquidity.

Private equity firms can get strategic shares in companies through minority investments without assuming complete control. This gives them more flexibility in allocating resources and formulating exit plans. Preferred stock and convertible bonds are examples of convertible instruments that give investors the option to convert their shares into equity according to predefined terms. This arrangement permits participation in possible upside opportunities in addition to providing downside protection. Recapitalizations, secondary buyouts, and initial public offerings are examples of structured exits that enable private equity investors to realize their investments under advantageous circumstances. The optimization of investor value and portfolio returns highlight the effectiveness of these tactical moves.

Focus on Operational Value Creation

Recognizing the importance of operational excellence in driving sustainable growth and profitability, private equity trends are increasingly prioritizing operational value creation initiatives within their portfolio companies. By partnering with management teams and leveraging industry expertise, private equity investors aim to enhance operational efficiency, optimize cost structures, and accelerate revenue growth across their investment portfolios.

Operational value creation initiatives encompass a wide range of strategies, including:

Streamlining Operations

Private equity firms collaborate with portfolio companies to identify inefficiencies, streamline business processes, and eliminate redundant costs, enhancing operational agility and responsiveness.

Implementing Growth Strategies

Private equity investors work closely with management teams to develop and execute growth strategies, including market expansion, product diversification, and strategic acquisitions, to capitalize on emerging opportunities and drive top-line growth.

Enhancing Organizational Capabilities

Private equity firms invest in talent development, leadership training, and organizational restructuring to strengthen management teams, foster innovation, and build sustainable competitive advantages within portfolio companies.

Technology and Innovation: Catalysts for Private Equity Growth

In an era dominated by technological advancement, private equity investors are increasingly drawn towards innovative ventures. Private equity trends witnessed a surge in investments within the technology sector, ranging from fintech startups to artificial intelligence-driven enterprises. The synergy between private equity and technology not only fosters disruptive innovation but also unlocks new avenues for value creation.

Technology and Innovation in Private Equity

Technology and Innovation in Private Equity

Emphasis on Digital Transformation

Private equity firms are proactively searching for prospects to invest in enterprises that enable digital transformation in various areas, such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, e-commerce, and more. The rapid digitization of business operations has increased demand for creative solutions that improve customer experiences, optimize workflows, and boost operational efficiency, according to private equity trends. 

Private equity investors are focusing on businesses that provide cutting-edge e-commerce platforms, omnichannel solutions, and digital marketing tools in the e-commerce space in order to capture the expanding market for online shopping. Furthermore, private equity firms are investing in cybersecurity startups and companies that provide sophisticated threat detection, data protection, and risk mitigation solutions to defend organizations from cyberattacks, as cybersecurity threats continue to rise.

Investment in Industry-specific Solutions

Private equity investors are not only diversifying their portfolios across industries but also targeting companies offering industry-specific solutions to capitalize on niche market opportunities. In Private Equity Trends, healthcare technology emerges as a prominent investment area, with private equity firms investing in companies that develop innovative medical devices, healthcare IT solutions, telemedicine platforms, and digital health services. The convergence of healthcare and technology presents lucrative opportunities for private equity investors to drive innovation, improve patient outcomes, and optimize healthcare delivery systems.

Renewable energy also garners significant attention from private equity investors, with firms targeting companies involved in solar energy, wind power, hydroelectricity, and other renewable energy sources. Private equity trend for investment in renewable energy projects and sustainable infrastructure initiatives reflects a broader commitment towards addressing climate change, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting environmental sustainability.

Strategic Partnerships and Acquisitions

Private equity firms recognize the importance of strategic partnerships and acquisitions in enhancing their technological capabilities and gaining competitive advantages in rapidly evolving markets. In Q1 2024, strategic alliances between private equity firms and technology companies, research institutions, and industry consortia facilitate knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and collaborative innovation initiatives.

ESG Integration: A Paradigm Shift in Private Equity

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations have emerged as pivotal factors shaping investment strategies across industries. In Private equity trends for Q1 2024, firms are actively integrating ESG principles into their decision-making processes, aligning investments with sustainability goals. This paradigm shift underscores a broader commitment towards responsible investing, resonating with stakeholders and driving long-term value creation.

Key initiatives driving ESG integration in private equity include:

ESG Integration in Private Equity

ESG Integration in Private Equity

ESG Due Diligence

Private equity firms are conducting comprehensive ESG due diligence to assess environmental risks, social impact, and governance practices within target companies. Private equity trends entail evaluating factors such as carbon footprint, resource usage, labor practices, diversity and inclusion policies, and board governance structures. Through rigorous ESG due diligence, private equity investors can identify potential risks and opportunities, inform investment decisions, and enhance value creation initiatives.

Impact Investing

Private equity investors are increasingly allocating capital towards impact investing opportunities that generate positive social and environmental outcomes alongside financial returns. The impact investments may focus on areas such as renewable energy, affordable housing, healthcare access, education, and community development. By aligning investment strategies with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other global sustainability frameworks, private equity firms contribute to addressing pressing societal and environmental challenges while generating competitive financial returns.

Stakeholder Engagement

Private equity firms are engaging with stakeholders, including investors, portfolio companies, employees, customers, regulators, and local communities, to promote transparency, accountability, and sustainable business practices. For private equity trends, stakeholder engagement initiatives may include regular ESG reporting, dialogue sessions, sustainability workshops, and collaborative projects. By fostering open communication and collaboration, private equity investors can build trust, mitigate risks, and unlock new opportunities for value creation in alignment with ESG principles.

Long-term Value Creation

ESG integration in private equity extends beyond compliance and risk management to drive long-term value creation for investors and society at large. Private equity firms are implementing ESG-focused value creation initiatives within their portfolio companies, such as energy efficiency improvements, supply chain optimizations, product innovation for sustainability, and responsible corporate governance practices. By embedding ESG considerations into business strategies and operations, private equity investors enhance resilience, reputation, and competitive positioning, ultimately driving sustainable growth and financial performance over the long term.

Geopolitical Dynamics: Navigating Challenges in Private Equity

The geopolitical landscape casts a shadow of uncertainty over private equity markets, influencing investment sentiments and risk perceptions. Private equity trends have been characterized by geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, and regulatory changes pose significant challenges for private equity firms operating on a global scale. The ability to navigate through geopolitical complexities while seizing lucrative opportunities remains a defining factor for success in the private equity arena.

Key considerations for navigating geopolitical challenges in private equity include:

Regulatory Compliance

Private equity firms must stay abreast of evolving regulatory frameworks and geopolitical developments to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations governing cross-border investments.

Risk Management Strategies

Private equity investors are implementing robust risk management strategies, including scenario planning, hedging techniques, and portfolio diversification, to mitigate geopolitical risks and safeguard investment portfolios.

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Private equity firms are forming strategic partnerships and alliances with local investors, industry experts, and government agencies to navigate geopolitical uncertainties and capitalize on emerging market opportunities.

The Rise of Emerging Markets: Exploring New Frontiers in Private Equity

As traditional markets reach saturation points, private equity investors are increasingly turning towards emerging economies in search of high-growth opportunities. Private equity trends witness a surge in private equity activity across regions like Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa, fueled by demographic shifts, urbanization, and burgeoning middle-class populations. The allure of untapped markets coupled with favorable regulatory environments positions emerging economies as key drivers of private equity growth.

Key trends driving private equity investments in emerging markets include:

Sector-specific Opportunities

Private equity investors are targeting emerging market sectors poised for rapid growth, including consumer goods, healthcare, infrastructure, and technology, leveraging demographic trends and consumer preferences to drive value creation.

Strategic Partnerships and Local Expertise

Private equity firms are partnering with local investors, entrepreneurs, and industry experts to navigate cultural nuances, regulatory challenges, and market dynamics unique to emerging economies, facilitating deal sourcing, execution, and value realization.

Sustainable Development Goals

Private equity investors are aligning their investment strategies with sustainable development goals (SDGs), focusing on investments that promote economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability in emerging markets, thereby contributing to positive socio-economic impact and long-term value creation.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices, Investment Banks, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE funds, Corporates, and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal origination, Deal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial Modelling, Portfolio Management, and Equity Research

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you can reach out to prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com


Financial Modeling Outsourcing refers to the practice of enlisting external service providers or specialized firms to handle the creation and maintenance of financial models. This involves assigning the tasks of designing, building and updating these models to professionals who possess the necessary expertise and resources.

Financial modeling plays a crucial role in the realms of business and finance, as it entails constructing mathematical representations of real-world financial situations. These models predict and evaluate various aspects of a company’s financial performance, such as revenue forecasts, cost analyses, investment valuations, cash flow projections, and scenario assessments. By providing insights into potential outcomes and associated risks, financial models facilitate decision-making processes.

Advantages of Financial Modeling Outsourcing

Financial modeling outsourcing offers several key advantages that organizations can leverage to enhance their financial planning and decision-making processes. Some common benefits include:

Advantages of Financial Modeling Outsourcing

Advantages of Financial Modeling Outsourcing

Cost savings and scalability:

Financial modeling outsourcing presents a significant cost-saving opportunity compared to maintaining an in-house team. By outsourcing to external providers, organizations can avoid expenses related to hiring and training specialized staff, investing in technology infrastructure, and ongoing maintenance. This flexible approach allows businesses to scale their demand-based modeling needs, ensuring cost efficiency and resource optimization.

Access to specialized expertise:

Outsourcing financial modeling tasks grants organizations access to professionals who possess specialized knowledge and expertise in the field. These experts have a deep understanding of best practices, industry standards, and regulatory requirements. By partnering with these skilled professionals, organizations can ensure the accuracy, reliability, and compliance of their financial models, benefiting from their extensive experience and insights.

Enhanced efficiency and productivity:

Delegating financial modeling tasks to external experts allows internal teams to focus on core competencies and strategic initiatives. By entrusting time-consuming and specialized tasks to external providers, organizations can streamline their operations, improve overall productivity, and allocate resources more effectively. This enables internal teams to concentrate on high-value activities such as data analysis, decision-making, and strategy formulation, ultimately driving organizational growth.

Improved accuracy and reliability:

External companies that offer financial modelling carry out strict quality checks. They use advanced modelling approaches, follow industry best practices, and do thorough validations. Organizations may make sure that their financial models are accurate and reliable by utilizing their knowledge and experience. As a result, financial estimates and analyses become more accurate and reliable, facilitating the making of well-informed decisions.

Risk Mitigation:

Financial modeling outsourcing helps organizations mitigate risks by leveraging external expertise. External providers have extensive experience across various industries and markets, enabling them to offer valuable insights and identify potential risks or limitations in financial models. They can also provide independent validation and verification of models, reducing the chance of errors or biases. By tapping into their knowledge, organizations can make more informed decisions and reduce exposure to financial risks.

In essence, financial modeling outsourcing offers numerous advantages, including cost savings, access to specialized expertise, enhanced efficiency and productivity, improved accuracy and reliability, and risk mitigation. By leveraging these benefits, organizations can optimize their financial planning and decision-making processes, gain a competitive edge, and achieve better financial performance.

Challenges of Financial Modeling Outsourcing

While financial modeling outsourcing offers numerous benefits, it is crucial for organizations to be aware of the challenges and risks associated with this practice. By understanding these potential pitfalls, businesses can take proactive measures to address them effectively. Here are some of the significant challenges and risks in financial modeling outsourcing:

Data security and confidentiality concerns:

Organizations must divulge sensitive financial data to outside sources when outsourcing financial modelling tasks. To guard against unauthorized access, security breaches, and abuse of sensitive data, it is crucial to make sure that effective data security measures are in place. Throughout the outsourcing process, it is crucial to protect intellectual property and uphold confidentiality agreements.

Communication and coordination challenges:

Effective communication plays a vital role in successful financial modeling outsourcing. Geographical and cultural differences, language barriers, and time zone disparities can hinder seamless collaboration between organizations and external providers. It is crucial to establish clear channels of communication, define expectations, and maintain regular updates to ensure effective coordination throughout the outsourcing engagement.

Quality control and standardization:

Maintaining consistency and quality across outsourced financial models can be challenging. Organizations should establish robust processes and standards to ensure that the models meet their specific requirements and adhere to industry best practices. Regular monitoring and quality control checks should be implemented to maintain the desired level of accuracy and reliability.

Dependency on external providers:

Outsourcing financial modeling tasks means relying on external providers to deliver accurate and timely results. Organizations must carefully select reputable and reliable providers with a proven track record. Building strong relationships, maintaining open lines of communication, and conducting periodic performance evaluations are essential to ensure that the outsourcing partner consistently meets expectations.

Regulatory and compliance considerations:

Financial models must adhere to rules and laws particular to their business. To avoid any compliance difficulties, organizations need to make sure that external providers are knowledgeable of these rules. During the outsourcing process, regulatory compliance with regulations like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) should be thoroughly assessed and addressed.

By proactively addressing these challenges and risks, organizations can mitigate potential pitfalls associated with financial modeling outsourcing. Implementing robust data security measures, fostering effective communication, establishing quality control processes, selecting reliable providers, and ensuring regulatory compliance are key steps toward successful outsourcing engagements.

Magistral’s Services on Financial Modeling Outsourcing

Magistral Consulting is recognized as a leading provider of specialized financial modeling outsourcing services and solutions. With a proven track record of delivering outstanding results, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of organizations across industries.

Magistral's Services on Financial Modeling Outsourcing

Magistral’s Services on Financial Modeling Outsourcing

Unparalleled Expertise and Specialization:

We take pride in our team of highly skilled professionals who possess extensive expertise in financial modeling. Our experts are well-versed in industry best practices, regulatory requirements, and the latest advancements in financial modeling techniques.

Tailored and Customized Solutions:

Whether it involves developing financial models for revenue forecasting, cost analysis, investment valuation, or scenario analysis, we work closely with clients to thoroughly understand their needs and deliver solutions that align with their strategic goals.

Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability:

Recognizing the importance of cost savings and scalability in today’s competitive business environment, we offer a cost-effective outsourcing solution. By entrusting financial modeling tasks to us, organizations can significantly reduce costs compared to maintaining an in-house team.

Confidentiality and Data Security:

Safeguarding the confidentiality and security of our clients’ data is of utmost importance to Magistral Consulting. We adhere to strict data protection protocols to ensure that sensitive financial information remains secure throughout the outsourcing process.

Quality Control and Assurance:

At Magistral Consulting, delivering accurate and reliable financial models is our top priority. We have established rigorous quality control processes to maintain consistency and adhere to industry best practices. Our team conducts thorough validations and employs advanced modeling techniques to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the models we create.

As a trusted partner in financial modeling outsourcing, Magistral Consulting empowers organizations to optimize their financial planning and decision-making processes. Our specialized expertise, customized approach, cost-effective solutions, focus on confidentiality and data security, rigorous quality control processes, and collaborative approach enable businesses to gain a competitive edge and unlock the full potential of financial modeling in driving their success.

About Magistral Consulting

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family OfficesInvestment BanksAsset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants, Real Estate, REITs, RE fundsCorporates, and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is around Deal originationDeal Execution, Due Diligence, Financial ModellingPortfolio Management, and Equity Research.

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative:

visit www.magistralconsulting.com/contact

About the Author

The article is authored by the Marketing Department of Magistral Consulting. For any business inquiries, you can reach out to  prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com

Financial Modeling Outsourcing is fast catching up, this article focuses on the steps required to prepare a Financial Model that will attract the attention of investors. It also argues as to why it is all the more important to outsource financial modeling to bring in an expert’s point of view.

Financial Modeling Definition

Financial Modeling is an inseparable part of Investment Analysis. A financial model prepared on an excel sheet is used to analyze almost all investment decisions.

Financial Modeling is considered to be a quantitative exercise plainly dealing with numbers and formulas. Sometimes on excel and sometimes on software like R, VB, Python, etc. However, regular practitioners understand that this is more of an art than science. It doesn’t only need to be correct in terms of formulas and assumptions, it needs to sell as well to the client.

In the article we will also talk about Financial Modeling Outsourcing, that is fast catching up as a trend to ensure the quality of the Financial Model

Types of Financial Models

The investment community uses multiple types of Financial Models. Following are the broad types of Financial Model:

Financial Model for Private Companies: Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Investment Banking firms use this to find out the valuation of an asset. Financial Modeling and Valuations go hand-in-hand. Investment Banks also do it day in and day out for their clients. It’s for situations where a private company, a start-up, or otherwise is looking to raise funds from debt or equity or is looking for the opportunities of Mergers and Acquisition. This type of financial model has all the sections that are important for investing like P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash-flows, Working Capital, Cap Table, RoI calculations, exchange rates, Resource utilization metrics, and other relevant details.

The way assumptions are made for the future forecast of revenue is the heart of the financial model. All other numbers just follow these broad numbers. If assumptions on revenue and cost are wrong, a financial model can either give undervalued or lofty valuations, both of which have the potential to kill the deal, either from the buy or sell side.

Financial Model for Stocks: Investors in equity stocks, usually Hedge Funds or Investment Banks use these models for themselves or their clients. They arrive at buy, sell, or hold recommendations based on these financial models. A Discounted Cash Flow Model of the publicly listed stocks is at the heart of each recommendation. It has future financial projections built-in and is updated continuously based on the developments related to that company or industry. Formulas on the model are the same and still, different brokerages come to different recommendations for the same stock. Ever wondered why? It is all in the assumptions and assessment of development. A development or news can be seen as highly negative by a brokerage and hence a huge negative impact on future projections, whereas the same news could be assessed neutral by another broking house.

The key to a great financial model in this situation is to understand the culture of your client/investor. Are they conservative or high-risk takers? Depending on the culture, you can make appropriate assumptions and hence the recommendations that suit your clients. Comparables and peer analysis is also used along with the DCF modeling

M&A Models: Most M&A models build further on financial models for start-ups and companies. It carries specific sections around financing and payback, synergies, Leveraged Buyout details to assess if the proposed M&A is going to create value for everyone involved. The most commonly used models here are Merger Modeling and Precedent Transaction Analysis.  Again assumptions are more important than the Formulas, as that can make or break the deal.

Other Models: A financial model is present usually before any sort of investment or fund-raising decision regarding any form of asset, whether we are talking about Real Estate, REITs, or a portfolio of crypto assets. Financial Model for Real Estate is in principle same as a Private Equity investment in a company but takes into account situations related to the concerning Real Estate.

Real Estate can be acquired and used differently, leading to different financial outcomes. A Real Estate financial model objectively analyses these scenarios and their financial outcomes. Say a land bank bought in the city center of a megacity could be kept vacant for capital appreciation. It could also be developed as an old-age hostel or a hotel. The second scenario will lead to rental income but at the same time will also require capital investments.

All this needs to be evaluated objectively to conclude if the proposed investment makes sense for the investors. Similar models are made to track the performance of REITs, or rent rolls coming from multiple commercial properties. There are multiple ways a Real Estate could give returns and all this leads to a hugely customized financial model specific to the situation. Real Estate Financial Modeling Outsourcing is catching up in a big way.

Steps to prepare a Financial Model- Financial Modeling Best Practices

The steps would change as per the financial model under preparation. Following are the generalized steps that are valid for usually all types of Financial Models:

Understanding the business and business situation:  This is the very first step before putting in a single number in Excel, R, Python, VB, or any other software that you plan to use for Financial Modeling. More thorough is your understanding of the business, more reasonable are the assumptions and more chances of it flying with the client or investors.

Usually, a pitch deck is prepared before the financial model so that all stakeholders are clear about the business strategy. This is all the more important in the case of start-ups that are raising Series A with no previous revenue track record. An experienced practitioner asks lots of questions in this stage about the strategy, finance, human resources, market, geographies, products, patents, industry, people, and everything else related to the business.

A robust financial model demands an eye for details. If it is related to specific investing situations, questions should be asked around returns, risks, similar business models around, management team, etc. The financial modeling technique to be used in this specific business situation should also be finalized.

Preparing Assumptions: This is one of the most critical steps while preparing financial models. If Assumptions made does not make sense, it renders the whole financial model useless. Other than making reasonable and well-researched assumptions, the experienced practitioners also make sure assumptions could be changed in the model. Multiple stakeholders play around the model to finalize the contours of the deal. The standard aspect of deal-making is changing assumptions in the model. A well-made model is flexible in changing assumptions.

Preparing the model: Preparing financial models on Excel is most common however, models can also be created on R, VB, Macros, Python, etc. There are many off the shelf financial modeling tools that are available. Financial Model Templates are usually available at this stage. Standardization is the major part of the model in this stage. For example, any private company valuation model would comprise, P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, etc. These statements will have standardized headers and formulas too. The parts dependent on the nature of business are customized. A SaaS business for example will be very different from Steel business in terms of how they acquire customers and project revenue.

Bringing intuition and data together: This is the task of the most experienced operator in the field of financial modeling. It not only requires the knowledge of the formulas in the financial model but also a thorough understanding of business, its competition, and the industry as a whole. When that experienced operator looks at the valuation that the model throws, he instinctively knows if that is correct or not. The assumptions are played around with if the valuation is not in the expected ballpark. A valuation level that makes sense to both Buy-Side and Sell-Side is achieved by this exercise.


In the end, we see Financial Modeling is more of an art than the exact science.

The rationale behind outsourcing financial modeling

An expert at Financial Modeling has worked with multiple start-ups, Investment Banks, Private Equity, Venture Capital, and other Financial advisors multiple times before.  They have templates available readily with them and know the right questions to ask. All this leads to a Financial Model that is in tune with what the investor ecosystem demands. If you are looking for Financial Modeling Outsourcing, Magistral Consulting (www.magistralconsulting.com) can help in multiple ways.


Magistral Consulting (www.magistralconsulting.com) is a leading player in the Financial Modeling Outsourcing space. It provides Financial Modeling Services. Magistral has specialization in preparing Financial Models for Private Equity, Financial Models for venture Capital, Financial Models for Real Estate, Financial Model for Investments Banks, Financial Models for Hedge Funds, Start-up Financial Modeling, apart from several other highly customized Financial Models. It has delivered Financial Modeling Projects globally to clients in the US, UK, Europe, and South-East Asia. For a business inquiry, you can drop a line at https://magistralconsulting.com/contact/


The Author, Prabhash Choudhary is the CEO of Magistral Consulting and can be reached at Prabhash.choudhary@magistralconsulting.com, in case of queries.